Hip Hop Appreciation Week
A time set aside every third week in May to acknowledge and appreciate the existence of Hip Hop Kulture.
1.Artists can give sound advice on what they’ve learned about life and living Hip Hop in the past year.
2.Schools are encouraged to discuss Hip Hop academically and critically.
3.Radio DJs should play more conscious rap music on the air.
The Seven Encouragements
During Hip Hop Appreciation Week, the Hip Hop community is encouraged to:
1.Give the next person the right of way. Allow people to pass you. Do not block a person’s forward movement.
2.Donate your skill or profession to someone who cannot afford it.
3.At the supermarket give your change to the person behind you in line.
4.Be quick to compliment and slow to criticize.
5.Be ready to forgive and move on.
6.Give 10% of your weekly pay to your child’s teacher.
7.Ease a neighbor’s pressure by donating your time toward the ease of some duty they must undertake.
Why we should observe HHAW as a national holiday for the Hip Hop community.
1.It will represent a unity of expression for the HH community, something we can do together.
2.Assert our authority to create and define ourselves and what we value.
3.Connect us with our humanity by practicing the encouragements.
4.Restore interpersonal dignity and respect internally and exerternally..
5.Serve as a positive, mature gesture toward non-HH individuals
6.Establish an aura of positive energy around the HHC for future generations.
based on The Gospel of Hip Hop