Quote (Menace)
Buddhism is not theist it is considered a religion but its not
well aware of that.
Quote (Watcher)
dude, who is this troll?
1. I'M NOT AN ATHEIST! yes, i agree with the idea that the universe is eternal and not made by an eternal creator, so for intensive purposes i agree with atheism in theory, however, i find that, as you said, atheists act like they are smarter than everyone and their ideas can't possibly be wrong, just as a lot of theists do. for that matter, i recognize the necessity of religion in society for select individuals and i avoid making belief in God look any less likely than the idea of an eternal universe. and ftr, i have NEVER been a huge fan of Richard Dawkins, even though i agree with a lot of his theories, because he is an elitist prick in representing his views on religion and belief in God. read the last blog i wrote on the site. i was criticizing Dawkins. that being said, when someone tells me that my opinion is no more than just that and I EVEN AGREE but tell them that so is their statement because neither belief is fact based and at some point one of us has to take a leap of faith somewhere and they say that is not true and what they say is fact, then i call them out for making a hypocritical statement and they get offended, is that my fault? am i trying to sound like i have superior intelligence just because i call someone out on their hypocrisy? no, i'm debating, formulating an argument, and, as far as i felt, formulating a pretty good one at that. you can make that decision on your own. but seriously, i don't talk as if i'm superior to anyone in an argument ever, and if you ever catch me doing so, please, respectfully, let me know and i will apologize. i make my arguments and they may come off to you that way because of several reasons, but i have no clue what the actual reason is. i can only guess it is one of these:
-i am eloquent (in writing you may see this and if you were to speak to me in person you would notice the same. that is simply the way i choose to speak) and maybe it comes off as arrogant, but it isn't meant to
-i present my arguments with a structure in which i quote specific things that the person i am arguing against said and then i attempt to disassemble their argument quote by quote. i do the same in real life. it can come off as attacking an arrogant when done incorrectly and even when done correctly people can easily misconceive this style as an attack. i just find it to be the most efficient method of debate personally. if you feel attacked, let me know and i will analyze my comment and see if maybe i did make an attacking statement and i will be quick to retract it and apologize. ask anyone here. i always do.
2. right. yeah, and i never said these explicitly so as to avoid sounding arrogant:
Quote (eboyd)
Maybe someone inexperienced can convince me otherwise and yes, that was a narrowminded comment and I retract it
Quote (eboyd)
When did I resort to insults? I called you a hypocrite. You stated that what I said was just my opinion and I recognized that, but you then stated that you KNOW what you believe is FACT. Is that not a definitevely hypocritical statement? Please let me know if I misunderstood you. From what I see though, that statement was, in fact, hypocritical. It's nothing personal and you're a good dude, we just have contrasting opinions.
Quote (eboyd)
I don't think you are a blind religious person and that has nothing to do with the discussion. I was saying that what you think is just as intellect and logic based as what I believe, no matter how illogical I feel it is, and it is unlikely either of us will ever come closer to the answers than the other. Thank you for retracting your statement.
Quote (sodr2)
i wonder why you mentioned eboyd last..........are you trying to cover up something.....ERIK??
do you really think i would sink to something as low as that? wow, i thought your expectations of me were at least a little bit higher than that.