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Pro Or Anti-abortion
Menace Date: Saturday, 04/Apr/09, 9:36 PM | Message # 16

Posts: 6764
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well that's why abortion must be legal we got too much undecided jerks in the world people the injustice of a man is too bring more children into this earth and make them suffer in my opinion the only people who would i allow to have kids are the serious ones those that raise their fucking kids and have a job

eboyd Date: Saturday, 04/Apr/09, 9:40 PM | Message # 17

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
surprised is sodr pro-choice?!?!?! Second shock of the day from sodr! biggrin

Anyways, I actually have a unique take on this. If banning abortion would really stop teens from having them I would be pro-life, however, before abortion was legalized girls were going into back alleys and getting coat hangers shoved inside of them and about half of them ended up dying from internal bleeding. So for me it's like I feel it is immoral because, yes, you are in fact killing someone, BUT I feel that if the girl dies from it, it is MUCH worse than if the unborn child does, so I feel abortion needs to be legal.

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s0dr2 Date: Saturday, 04/Apr/09, 9:43 PM | Message # 18

Posts: 2772
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uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it seems like my wording went WRONG

pro choice?? did you read my other comment? im just saying that the choice for man doesn't exist which isnt fair

im 100% pro life

but i guess i agree w/ erik........even though women like (shoving coat hangers in their ..)that should be put in a mental hospital

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Message edited by sodr2 - Saturday, 04/Apr/09, 9:45 PM
Menace Date: Saturday, 04/Apr/09, 9:48 PM | Message # 19

Posts: 6764
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Quote (eboyd)
MUCH worse than if the unborn child does, so I feel abortion needs to be legal.

both of them die the unborn child and the girl if she does a self abortion and i remeber here when the communist regime was alive you were obligated to make 5 kids after you were obligated to have NO KIDS and women would hide they pregnancies sometimes or try to abort the babies in poor conditions it was a mess

Render215 Date: Sunday, 05/Apr/09, 0:57 AM | Message # 20

Posts: 796
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Thanks guyz... lol .. I'll be performing live here on Earth for the remainder of my lifespan..lol

"People said his brain was infected by Devils..."
eboyd Date: Sunday, 05/Apr/09, 1:08 AM | Message # 21

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Haha! Menace, yes, I meant to say that. I agree. That is exactly how I feel.

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PNobleDaLyricist Date: Sunday, 05/Apr/09, 1:08 AM | Message # 22

Posts: 1398
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eboyd Date: Sunday, 05/Apr/09, 1:10 AM | Message # 23

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Can you expand on that PNoble? Why are you anti-abortion? Does that mean you feel it should be illegal or it is immoral? If immoral, I agree. In that sense I too am anti-abortion, but I realize the necessity for it. If we made it illegal again more people would die from it and more kids would get neglected.

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eboyd Date: Sunday, 05/Apr/09, 3:39 AM | Message # 24

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Yes, we heard you the first time. Pro choice is not pro murder, it's anti-murder/suicide. Think about it. If you had to make a choice between murder and murder/suicide, what would your choice be? Would you rather have both the mother and child die or just the child?

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s0dr2 Date: Sunday, 05/Apr/09, 3:43 AM | Message # 25

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (eboyd)
Pro choice is not pro murder, it's anti-murder/suicide. Think about it. If you had to make a choice between murder and murder/suicide, what would your choice be? Would you rather have both the mother and child die or just the child?


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Pro choice is 100000% PRO murder

it will be highly unlikely and rare that a woman sticks a coat hanger in her .........and even if, that it will KILL herself...

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Message edited by sodr2 - Sunday, 05/Apr/09, 3:44 AM
eboyd Date: Sunday, 05/Apr/09, 3:47 AM | Message # 26

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Let me get you some hard numbers real quick you conservative bastard! biggrin

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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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eboyd Date: Sunday, 05/Apr/09, 3:54 AM | Message # 27

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
roe vs wade

"In 1973, 904 abortions were preformed in New York and in 1992 only 694. America's concern's over abortion and under what circumstances it should be allowed was catapulted into controversy on January 22 1973. On that day the U.S Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a Texas law prohibiting an abortion except for the propose of saving a women's life by a vote of 7-2. The decision reached after two presentations before the court invalidated abortion laws in 46 states. The court declared 1. In the first three months of pregnancy the abortion decision must be left to the women and her doctor. 2. In the interest of protecting women's health, states may restrict but not prohibit abortion s in the second or third trimesters of pregnancy 3. In the last three months of pregnancy states may regulate or even prohibit abortions to protect the life of the fetus except when medical judgment determines that an abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother."


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eboyd Date: Sunday, 05/Apr/09, 3:55 AM | Message # 28

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
^^^^^ evidence that shows that legalization has actually dropped the amount of abortions performed.

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Chinita Date: Sunday, 05/Apr/09, 4:04 AM | Message # 29

Posts: 5823
Reputation: 5
Quote (sodr2)
Situation #1
Let's say two couples were having a baby by mistake.....the man wants an abortion but the woman doesn't. Then the baby comes and the man has to pay for child support. Would this be fair?

no this is not fair at all, the law doesnt make it fair for the man..i think if the man wants her to have an abortion he should have the right to give up parental rights but no court will give it to him..

Quote (sodr2)
Situation #2
Same situation as in #1, but this time the woman wants an abortion but the man doesn't. Does the man get to keep his child, while the mother pays child support (and would it be fair)??

no this is not fair to the man either because she will probably get the obortion anyway...if she didnt the only way he can get the child is if she gave up her parental rights or she is found to be unfit as a mother and even if she is unfit they will give her a chance to get her life together..but very hard to get a judge to take a child away from its mother, they law stinks sometimes.. most of the time here in the states, if you concieve a child out of wedlock, the woman automatically gets the child unless she's found to be unfit..yes they will go after her for child support but again, not if she gives up parental rights to the dad.

eboyd Date: Sunday, 05/Apr/09, 4:13 AM | Message # 30

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
"Your question seems to be premised on the assumption that this 30-60% figure represents people who would not have been pressured to get an abortion in the days before Roe. First of all, my understanding is that over time the rate at which women have sought and obtained abortions, legal or illegal, has remained relatively constant. Laws against abortion were traditionally underenforced until the period leading up to Roe, when the authorities began shutting down fairly extensive and sophisticated underground operations that had been operating with tacit approval for years. What enforcement did was increase the proportion of "providers" using unsafe, quick methods that basically amounted to just dilating the woman's cervix one way or another and sending her straight to the emergency room in a cab. But the actual rate at which abortion happened apparently did not change much over the course of the 20th century. Still, let's assume instead that it has increased at least somewhat. Is it likely that the proportion of women seeking abortion for reasons that have more to do with the opinions and needs of the men in their life than with their own desires vis-a-vis child-rearing has changed dramatically, just because nowadays men can drive women to the clinic and sit around in the waiting room instead of having to just drop them off in the parking lot behind a certain drugstore in a scary part of town?"


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