On Saturday a group by the name of the Texas Nationalist Movement, held a rally calling for Rick Perry to follow through with his own calls for secession. Back in April Gov. Rick Perry raised the possibility of Texas seceding from the Union. His comments were made at a anti tax "tea party" rally.
Now the secessionists are calling for him to introduce a bill into the state legislature to put a referendum on the ballet. The referendum would be on whether Texas should secede from the Union.
It looks like Rick Perry's secession talk really struck a nerve with Texans. Rick Perry must be "regretting he ever brought the subject up," said Doug Mataconis in Below the Beltway. He says that the secession nuts just show how silly his comments were. That its "pretty clear" that the people hate President Obama and "not the country itself". Their rally was just a way for "some of the more extreme opponents of the president to blow off steam."
There are many out there who believe the federal government is trampling on states rights. Many people are upset with how the federal government is bankrupting the country under Obama and the "socialist" country we are becoming.
In my opinion this talk of secession is utter non-sense and crazy talk. For one if Texas did secede from the Union, they would become an instant 3rd world country. They would have to provide for their own defense, social programs, etc... I believe the cost was estimated at $1 trillion dollars. So secessionists you better break out those wallets, one of you has to have an extra trillion dollars lying around somewhere. Perhaps under your sofa cushion or under your mattress or under you saddle. The birthers are bad enough but now we have these secessionists. I have never heard anything more Un-American in my life. But is it no wonder this kind of talk comes out of the South and from Republicans, less we forget the Civil War. These are the people that the Union fought against and apparently their ancestors are taking up the fight. One more thing for Texas secessionists to consider, in a few years Hispanics will be the majority in Texas. So unless you want to be part of Mexico, then I think you should reconsider the secession thought.
I think if Texas dusn't get all gun crazy (....*cough*) that maybe they could afford seceding. Thatd be bad ass i think, i guess this guy doesn't think so tho.