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You're right because it is a free market, after all.
Be careful. In no way is the US a free market system. The original idea for our economy was to have a free market system, but because we are now living in a post-small business America and corporations have so much political power (ie: the US's most powerful VP in recent history, if not ever, and his ties with Halliburton), we no longer have a "free market". The market is regulated by the corporations because the corporations have all the loot which equates to power because our politicians have proven to be so easily corruptable.
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I think getting rid of the gold standard had a lot to do with the inflation process.
????????? Gold hasn't been a US standard since your grandfather was getting his Huggies changed and sucking his thumb. This is a moot point.
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I don't have complete apathy with Ron Paul.
You mean faith? Apathy means you don't care. It is an antonym of sympathy.
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I mean hes a mason, an elitist, they all are. We don't really know whats going down.
Source???? You can claim anyone is a mason, just as everyone else does that wants to be political, without any reasoning, but the fact of the matter is that they are a fraternal organization and therefore they inherently are secretive and so we will probably never know for sure who is in their organization or what their mode of operations is and even whether or not their members share each other's views and goals. What I can tell you though is that while some freemasons have been open about their affiliations and have done terrible things, this is not necessarily condoned by freemasonry itself and it is a very charitable organization as well. Read my "Truth About Illuminati/Freemasonry" thread. I think you will see this from a more unbiased and factual basis after you do so.