Don't be stubborn though. You can think prostitution is bad just as I think that abortion, at least at a certain point in the pregnancy, is bad, but that won't
change that with it legalized, far worse issues will be limited. I think certain drugs are bad but I think they should still be legalized because their being made illegal leads to far worse things like violence, they dilution of softer drugs with much harder chemicals, often deadly ones, the crippling of a portion of our economy due to illegal cartels, etc. I don't see prostitution as bad, per se, as when legalized and regulated it is simply girls who like or don't mind having sex with random men making a living off of doing so. That is not necessarily a negative or a positive thing. It is neutral in my eyes. They are doing no harm, to themselves or to others, and so it is ethically neutral. Certain x factors may make a specific event in a brothel negative or positive, but that doesn't change that the job itself is neutral. However, this is just my view. Even if it was a bad thing, think about this. How many people are currently involved in prostitution without being forced into it? Idk if you realize this but the great majority of prostitutes in the US work at massage parlors and in escort services, not on the streets. Most of them are involved in prostitution on a voluntary basis because it makes them extra money. And in America, illegal prostitution is a bit of an epidemic. There is a lot of it going on and a majority of girls start at the age of 14. There is also often violence, coercion, slavery, etc., involved in illegal prostitution as well. It has been shown, time after time, that in countries and states where it is legal, the issues involved, which far outweigh the bad that is involved in prostitution itself, have been alleviated because prostitution has been legalized.
So, would you rather have continuous unreported rapes (illegal prostitutes have the highest rape rates of any group in the US because they are afraid to report it due to their being involved in an illegal occupation leading to their being raped and their fear of going to prison once it is revealed that they were involved in prostitution), sex slavery, child prostitution, violence (between pimps and other men or between pimps and their hoes) often leading to death, etc., or would you instead rather risk the continuation of such terrible things just to keep prostitution illegal?
And guess what, if for some reason it doe
sn't work as planned, we can always make it illegal again. I'm sure the US government would be thrilled to be able to say "we told you so, now back to making prostitution illegal".
See, what you have, Adam, is a western religious bias. You may not follow any religion, but you have been raised in a culture where religious world views shape our very way we think. And to make it even harder for you, I believe I remember you saying that your mom is very religious, so you've heard their opinions and the opinions of others and they have formed the way you think. What is so bad about prostitution? Think critically to find a reason. Don't just give a pre-fabricated cop-out like "well, I'm just not going to agree. I think prostitution is bad and nothing is going to change that". Why do you feel this way? Have you thought about it critically? If you haven't, while you read this, think about it critically. Think about the opposing view to this and think about the reasons you think that they are invalid. Are they legitimate reasons? If yes, then fine, you are justified, however, I would appreciate you sharing your reasons with us so that if they are sound, we can hear why they are and maybe we will change our minds too, or if we still feel you are wrong, we will be able to explain why. If the answer is yes, you may want to consider finding a different reason or changing your opinion.
And here is the real issue. Because people have biases that are not based on logic but instead usually religion, though not always, they tend to hold their ground, as you are doing now, in the "no compromise" zone where an issue is "absolutely bad" or "absolutely good" and there is no in between. That is exactly what is holding our country back and that is why I find that it is important for me to help you realize it.
So think it over. If you find that you have good reason to think prostitution needs to be illegal, let me know why because I want to know what is missing from my knowledge base. If you don't, you are only crippling your position and depriving people of a proper answer to this question. If you do, you help us get closer to an answer to this question and if you are wrong, you allow yourself to open up to the correct answer.
Remember, vulnerability is power. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and unlock the true power of your mind. It is key to rationality and making this world a better place.