Elites love liberalism because liberalism is the one ideology that won't get you torn apart by a mob. They're trying to keep their jobs, promote their businesses, and not get destroyed by idiots with a grudge. It's just like in Bolshevik Russia during the revolution, or France during their revolution. Anyone who appeared to side with the old regime was a troublemaker, and that gave the crowd license to loot their homes, rape their daughters, etc.
So the elites made a big show of being liberal. It's no different in America today. If you want people to like you, convince them you're with the new and hip, the unique, the people-powered, "The People," the tolerant, the Progressive, the nice-to-everyone, the great granter of gifts to the dispossessed, etc. They don't honestly believe these views. They use their views as a justification for their status and wealth, and in an attempt to make the crowd not tear them apart.
Of course, that will never work -- when a true revolution is in play, order is suspended, and those with the guns take whatever they want. And if you are with the struggle, comrade, you will not mind sharing your house|daughters|wealth for the cause, will you?
I identify myself as a liberal, in that I believe in justice, but I'm also a historical literate, and I view the results of history as scientific knowledge. So I am anti-liberal in that liberal methods will lead to tyranny by failing and creating third-world disorder.
I am living in third world places and, while their are good people here, the society at large is dysfunctional and it penalizes and isolates smart people. If humanity wants to reach great heights, we need to nurture and support smart people, and beat down idiots and corrupt people. Simple truth, but it requires work, and getting off the couch -- and risking being made a fool in the eyes of others, or failing, or not having the absolute "freedom" to be obligated and beholden to nothing except your whims and your slave like job -- is the one
taboo in this society.