Quote (ThaScience)
eric has a really good opinion on hip hop. but he dont on nas.. saying illmatic isnt in his top 15 albums. untitled suck dick as much as relapse.. im not taking anything he says on nas serious until he shows a more balenced view on him which he never will. il give em props but he dont come close to nas.
nah man, really though, from where i'm standing, your views (along with most so-called "real hip hop heads") are the biased ones. i hear way too many cats act like Nas is the second coming of Christ or something and i just don't see the appeal. maybe it's because i'm not as "street" as the average RHHH, but i just don't see it. i don't get what makes him so great. he's not the best lyricist, he's not the best overall rhyme writer, he doesn't have the best flow and delivery, etc. what he has is an x-factor that somehow attracts street cats more than any other emcee. it doesn't appeal to me. i made a conscious choice to avoid that street life and when i hear about it, my ears usually turn off unless the beats are just that dope, and, while Illmatic has dope beats, i can think of several albums off the top that, imo, have better production. but yeah, this is about Drake, not Nas lol
Quote (ThaScience)
btw "ususal suspects" is dope
i am actually looking forward to it. i liked "Road To Zion" and i'm feeling the tracks they've released so far, so it is something that does, in fact, spark my interest.
Quote (AruNavi)
Ether is the greatest diss track? The Sauce by Em was sick as shit. Em SLAMMED da fuck out cats. Second Round KO was dirty as fuck by Bis. Ether was funny but hardly at all factual. I love that song doe. But the best???
a diss doesn't have to be factual lol. as long as the diss is dope, it's dope. and ftr, Jay-Z's career did get an initial boost from Nas, so his points were, in fact, valid. now i will admit that verse 1 and 2 were not "best diss ever" material, but the third verse more than made up for that.