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Enter Your iPod: Your Music Collection
eboyd Date: Saturday, 01/Oct/11, 11:26 PM | Message # 46

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Mark, despite what some seriously annoying children on this website accuse me of, I listen to what I like and am unbiased. For that reason, I have been more than able to recognize a good song even if it was recorded by an artist that I consider to be garbage. So, to make sure I was not being completely biased with Drake, I listened to a few of his older songs and, to my surprise, enjoyed them. As for Cudi, his song "Day & Night" was just an example of a pop/dance type song that had a very different type of subject matter, not to mention that even though it had a vibe that I don't normally enjoy due to the beat, I actually didn't mind it. I defended him because I felt, after hearing that one song, that he was bringing a new style of lyricism to the pop world that I would enjoy. To my chagrin, however, that didn't hold for any of his other songs.

I rather listen to Erykah Badu and neo-soul rather than listening to the washed up R&B of today.

Exactly my sentiment. Keri Hilson may have a good voice, but I don't give a fuck when her beats suck so bad as does her subject matter and her lyrics. Also, she is faaaar from the best singer I've ever heard. If I was trying to hear someone with an amazing voice I would look to an old blues or jazz singer like Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, or Sarah Vaughn, or maybe an old soul singer. Hell, if anything, Christina Aguilera is an artist in the pop world with a far better voice than Keri Hilson. And fuck Chris Brown. Holy crap. There's nothing whatsoever redeeming about him as an artist. His voice is generic at best, his music is horrible overall, and it's the same watered down pop crap as everything else. As for newer male singers that are superior, I'd go with Miguel Jontel and Aloe Blacc.

And no NtG, there is nothing I enjoy AT ALL about 50 Cent. A few songs here and there from waaaay back were ok, but he's pretty much garbage overall to me.

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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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Lord_Meth Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 0:17 AM | Message # 47

Posts: 6627
Reputation: 1
Quote (eboyd)
Hell, if anything, Christina Aguilera is an artist in the pop world with a far better voice than Keri Hilson.

I never said Keri Hilson was the best singer of all time dawg. I said she was the best NEW singer to emerge in the last 2 years. Well, now that I think about it, I wanna take that back. Adele is a MONSTER and is even on Beyonce's level. I totally forgot about her man. Adele is awesome too.
And I love Christina Aguilera. That's why she's in my iPod. Christina easily owns Keri, vocally. She's in my top 10 female singers.
Quote (eboyd)
His voice is generic at best, his music is horrible overall, and it's the same watered down pop crap as everything else.

I will have to disagree with this. Sure, you can say that his music is watered-down but his singing is pretty good. (And it is excellent sex music too) Chris Brown's voice is very complicated. He hates his own voice because of how complicated it is. But he uses techniques to make himself sound good. His voice is naturally high-pitched so if he just sung "normally", that would annoy the crap out of anyone, even me. 4 minutes straight of his normal voice would get on anybody's nerves. And he has swag, so u definately cant go wrong lol #TeamSnapbacks
Quote (eboyd)
If I was trying to hear someone with an amazing voice I would look to an old blues or jazz singer like Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, or Sarah Vaughn, or maybe an old soul singer.

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I dont listen to old singers besides Stevie Wonder (who is my all-time favorite singer) and Michael Jackson. Just isnt my cup of tea.

Sick With It
eboyd Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 4:45 AM | Message # 48

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (Lord_Meth)
Adele is a MONSTER and is even on Beyonce's level

Beyonce's level isn't very high imo lol. she sounds so fake to me. i like her sister a lot more, even though her voice isn't as nice. she just seems like a way more real person and artist. idk shit about Adele though.

Quote (Lord_Meth)
Sure, you can say that his music is watered-down but his singing is pretty good

....no, i really don't think he's that good of a singer, and most people that i know who sing or know a lot about singing would agree with me. like i said, as far as new vocalists, Miguel is one example of someone far superior to Chris Brown. another is Aloe Blacc.

Quote (Lord_Meth)
And he has swag, so u definately cant go wrong lol

the only time i ever use the word swag, or am ok with the use of the word swag, is in mocking people who use the word swag.

man, i'm just tired of all these lame ass mainstream artists, to whom their underground counterparts are far superior but they don't have the entertainment value (ie: they aren't as attractive, don't have a bubbly personality, aren't as photogenic, can't act, etc.), in both the R&B and hip hop realm. i complain about R&B too because it is so closely tied to hip hop. if it wasn't i wouldn't give a shit.

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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Lord_Meth Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 9:59 AM | Message # 49

Posts: 6627
Reputation: 1
Quote (eboyd)
Beyonce's level isn't very high imo lol. she sounds so fake to me. i like her sister a lot more, even though her voice isn't as nice. she just seems like a way more real person and artist. idk shit about Adele though.

Go listen to Love On Top by Beyonce RIGHT NOW. That is a vocalist's orgasm.
I used to hate Beyonce until recently. She has the whole package imo. She's the shit bro.
Her sister...eeehh naw. And Adele is pretty good. Her 2ns album, 21, is better than her first although hwe first is good too.
Quote (eboyd)
Miguel is one example of someone far superior to Chris Brown. another is Aloe Blacc.

Miguel, u mean the cat who sung that song with J. Cole? If so, I guess we can argue which is better between Chris and him. And Aloe Blacc is OKAY. Nothing really spectacular about him honestly. He's just a generic underground hook singer to me.
Quote (eboyd)
the only time i ever use the word swag, or am ok with the use of the word swag, is in mocking people who use the word swag.

Well mock me all day. "Invented SWAG."
Quote (eboyd)
man, i'm just tired of all these lame ass mainstream artists, to whom their underground counterparts are far superior but they don't have the entertainment value (ie: they aren't as attractive, don't have a bubbly personality, aren't as photogenic, can't act, etc.), in both the R&B and hip hop realm. i complain about R&B too because it is so closely tied to hip hop. if it wasn't i wouldn't give a shit.

I see where your coming from man, but I give respect where respect's due. I cant pretend Keri Hilson doesnt sound like an angel (lol). Nor can I pretend that I dont like Joe's independent music. I see R&B like how I see Hip Hop and Alt. Rock; it all comes down to me liking their music, not bcause I feel bad for them because they dont get the attention they deserve.

Sick With It
Adam Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 12:27 PM | Message # 50

Posts: 3793
Reputation: 5
erik you need to grow up.

eboyd Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 1:15 PM | Message # 51

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Adam, you're lucky I don't fucking demote you. I'm tired of your bullshit at this point, seriously. In most threads you act as nothing but a glorified troll and then you have occasional comments like the one above. Keep it up and I will make you a regular member again and maybe even eventually perma-ban you.

Meth, I honestly don't like, nor have I ever liked any of that stuff you mentioned, and I'm fine with the fact that you enjoy it, but the problem is that RHHF serves a specific demographic of people that are specifically opposed to the stuff we are currently talking about, and that we talk about here non-stop. I don't mind the occasional discourse about that stuff, but you, Adam, NtG, ilikebacon, and even Bape to some extent represent this sudden rebellion to everything that we stand for and are trying to fight the entire purpose of this movement at every chance you get. The constant discussion about this stuff is making it seem that we are uncertain as a movement of what we stand for and it drives more serious hip hop heads away. That's why only the same people post here and not that many more members are joining and less people come to look at what is new on our site. We do not represent any of the stuff that has been discussed non-stop for the past few months. Just check the main page. It looks nothing like the forum content. Our forum makes this movement look horribly disorganized and like we're falling apart from the inside. We're not though. You go to any of our other networks -- our facebook, twitter, etc. -- and you will notice that none of our members there are anything like the members here on the site. Chinita doesn't even come and post here anymore mainly because she's tired of the bullshit here that doesn't represent hip hop culture in the least bit. Now I know you guys listen to a lot of the same stuff I do, and are pretty deep into a lot of underground hip hop, and most of you will completely disagree, but I don't think a lot of you guys understand what hip hop culture is truly about. I think that you think you know, but I doubt that a single one of you has been to an event where hip hop culture was present; where you were in a small room with graffiti on the walls cyphering with Masta Ace and Edo G acting as the host and feeding off your energy, and while random producers are coming up and sharing beats with everyone; you haven't been in a packed concert space that barely has space for 200 people listening to KRS-One amp a crowd full of people of all ages and walks of life even though he's not getting paid a dime to perform; most of you probably haven't witnessed a real emcee battle in person. You can't truly understand hip hop until you have experienced hip hop, and I honestly believe most of you young cats on here haven't yet experienced it. And it can't just be a one time experience either. You need to be exposed to it on a pretty regular basis to fully grasp it.

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

battle record:


Adam Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 3:10 PM | Message # 52

Posts: 3793
Reputation: 5
Quote (eboyd)
Adam, you're lucky I don't fucking demote you. I'm tired of your bullshit at this point, seriously. In most threads you act as nothing but a glorified troll and then you have occasional comments like the one above. Keep it up and I will make you a regular member again and maybe even eventually perma-ban you.

halfway there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

NtG Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 4:20 PM | Message # 53

Posts: 4047
Reputation: 0
Quote (eboyd)
Adam, NtG, ilikebacon, and even Bape to some extent represent this sudden rebellion to everything that we stand for and are trying to fight the entire purpose of this movement at every chance you get.

I don't see why I am in this statement.

Adam Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 4:36 PM | Message # 54

Posts: 3793
Reputation: 5
Dude you got the entire lil b collection.

NtG Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 4:37 PM | Message # 55

Posts: 4047
Reputation: 0
Quote (Adam)
Dude you got the entire lil b collection.

No, I deleted it in less than a week after i got it.

Adam Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 4:45 PM | Message # 56

Posts: 3793
Reputation: 5

Lord Meth Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 11:35 PM | Message # 57

And its funny cuz we were talking about R&B...What's next? Video games?
s0dr2 Date: Tuesday, 04/Oct/11, 3:34 PM | Message # 58

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (eboyd)
but I doubt that a single one of you has been to an event where hip hop culture was present;

im sure you can experience this culture minus those famous people...

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

EmSeeD Date: Saturday, 08/Oct/11, 10:09 PM | Message # 59

Posts: 11464
Reputation: 8

Bape Date: Saturday, 08/Oct/11, 11:17 PM | Message # 60

Posts: 572
Reputation: 2
On Topic: I just got 4 gigs worth of Dubstep on my ipod. I will regret this later.
