Overrated classics albums
NtG |
Date: Friday, 30/Sep/11, 5:49 PM | Message # 31 |
Posts: 4047
Quote (TheWatcher) That being said, I'd still consider Me Against the World and maybe 7 day theory to be classics. Agree
Menace |
Date: Friday, 30/Sep/11, 9:18 PM | Message # 32 |
Posts: 6764
2Pacalypse Now and Me Against the World are 2pac's classic albums, ignore the 2pac hating hipsters, there is pure soul and heart in these two albums.
El_Matador |
Date: Friday, 30/Sep/11, 9:35 PM | Message # 33 |
Posts: 3347
Quote (Ratmn) Happy birthday, El West! Quote (Bape) Happy B-day yo.
Thanks guys!
Quote (Menace) 2Pacalypse Now and Me Against the World are 2pac's classic albums, ignore the 2pac hating hipsters, there is pure soul and heart in these two albums.
2Pac was a dope emcee and poet overall. But I can't forgive him "All Eyez On Me".
MENACE 2 JOKER: Go back to Mexico you damn spic JOKER 2 MENACE: Shut up you fake nigga your a damn sand nigger not a full nigger 
Ratmn |
Date: Friday, 30/Sep/11, 10:46 PM | Message # 34 |
Posts: 779
Quote (El_Matador) 2Pac was a dope emcee and poet overall. But I can't forgive him "All Eyez On Me".
Me neither.
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Menace |
Date: Saturday, 01/Oct/11, 2:02 PM | Message # 35 |
Posts: 6764
Don't forget Guru and a shitload of rappers that did the same thing too, its retarded to think this way.
NtG |
Date: Saturday, 01/Oct/11, 2:27 PM | Message # 36 |
Posts: 4047
Quote (Menace) Don't forget Guru and a shitload of rappers that did the same thing too, its retarded to think this way. Exactly, it's like acting like Illmatic doesn't exist because Nas made Nastradamus.
Menace |
Date: Saturday, 01/Oct/11, 5:46 PM | Message # 37 |
Posts: 6764
Quote (NtG) Exactly, it's like acting like Illmatic doesn't exist because Nas made Nastradamus.
eboyd |
Date: Saturday, 01/Oct/11, 11:40 PM | Message # 38 |
Posts: 13145
Me Against The World is most often considered 2pac's classic album and I do not disagree even though I'm not really into it. Whether or not something is classic is not based on one's opinion though. When you talk about classics you are talking about the impact the album had. By that register, no matter how much we may dislike it, it may make sense that we actually call All Eyez on Me one of 2pac's classics, at which point I'd say it's highly overrated.
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Greeny |
Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 9:20 AM | Message # 39 |
Posts: 1031
So every pop artist's album is a classic?
Lord_Meth |
Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 10:03 AM | Message # 40 |
Posts: 6627
Quote (Greeny) So every pop artist's album is a classic? No, because not every Pop artist has a album that's considered classic in the first place.
Sick With It
Watcher |
Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 10:45 AM | Message # 41 |
since when did pop artists make an album that had an impact? other then a dance or clothing trend that wears out in less than a year
NtG |
Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 10:54 AM | Message # 42 |
Posts: 4047
Quote (eboyd) though. When you talk about classics you are talking about the impact the album had. By that register, no matter how much we may dislike it, it may make sense that we actually call All Eyez on Me one of 2pac's classics, at which point I'd say it's highly overrated. Ok, so by that thinking Lil Wayne must have at least 2 Classics because of the impact he's had, everybody is copying his voice/flow now, no matter how much we may dislike it.
eboyd |
Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 12:45 PM | Message # 43 |
Posts: 13145
Pop artists don't have impact, they follow a trend that had impact. And besides, I wouldn't consider stuff like this new techno/rap trend, for example, to be hip hop music. It's pop or techno. So if any of it is classic, it is classic in it's respective genre, not in hip hop. For example, some would argue 808's and Heartbreak was a classic, and while Kanye may be a hip hop artist, even he was quick to say it wasn't a hip hop album because it wasn't. It was pop. So if it's classic, it's a pop classic, not a hip hop classic.
Quote (Meth) Ok, so by that thinking Lil Wayne must have at least 2 Classics because of the impact he's had, everybody is copying his voice/flow now, no matter how much we may dislike it.
What album can you think of that he did that completely changed hip hop? I really don't feel anything he has done has had that much impact. There may be several rappers that have come out that have rapped with similar styles to him, but that doesn't make any one of his albums a classic. I mean people copied MC Hammer all the time back in the late 80's/early 90's but I wouldn't call any of his albums "classic" or "influential". Lil Wayne and many rappers flow similar, and some may even do it that way because Lil Wayne does it, but that doesn't make any of his albums classic. A classic album is one that changes the perspective of a large demographic of fans and artists alike, whether it's underground or has more of a mass appeal. I mean Illmatic is commonly considered hip hop's quintessential classic album, but that doesn't change the fact that it took over a year for that album to even go gold. You can go up to 20 something year old rappers in the mainstream today and ask them to list the top 10 albums that had an impact on them coming up as an artist and I guarantee a large number of them will have Illmatic somewhere in that list. Wait 10 years and I guarantee none of the Carter albums, not 500 Degreez, not Rebirth, etc., will gain that status.
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Menace |
Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 3:27 PM | Message # 44 |
Posts: 6764
Quote (eboyd) A classic album is one that changes the perspective of a large demographic of fans and artists alike, whether it's underground or has more of a mass appeal. I mean Illmatic is commonly considered hip hop's quintessential classic album, but that doesn't change the fact that it took over a year for that album to even go gold. You can go up to 20 something year old rappers in the mainstream today and ask them to list the top 10 albums that had an impact on them coming up as an artist and I guarantee a large number of them will have Illmatic somewhere in that list. Wait 10 years and I guarantee none of the Carter albums, not 500 Degreez, not Rebirth, etc., will gain that status.
Exactly, as i said on some other thread, time will tell if these guys will be considered hip hop classics.
Greeny |
Date: Sunday, 02/Oct/11, 3:48 PM | Message # 45 |
Posts: 1031
Wayne was a Tribe fan. :|