Overrated classics albums
Bape |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 0:02 AM | Message # 1 |
Posts: 572
So I recently caught up on a lot of "classic" albums I planned on listening. And to be honest there are a lot of "classic" albums that I thought received wayyyyyyy too much praise than they actually deserve. A lot of people (especially a lot of kids at my school) seem to think that OLD=Classic. Which is not always the case. Are there any "classic" albums YOU thought were wayyy over-hyped/popularised/praised far beyond what they should have been? Post them and shiz. (remember this is all opinionated)
OKAY, let me start.
^^ That is the most over hyped B.S. I have ever heard. Lou Reed's delivery makes him sound like a dying cow. Some of The song writing makes absolutely no sense at points. And overall (aside from "Heroin" and possibly "Sunday Morning") this album comes off really boring to me. With very few stand out moments (aside from those 2 tracks). Not a awful album. Not at all. But really over hyped.
PS: Any 2pac album. ANY. PPS: Cuban Linx *awaits exile from RHHF*
Message edited by Bape - Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 0:36 AM
NtG |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 0:28 AM | Message # 2 |
Posts: 4047
Cuban Linx Liquid Swords Sun Rises In The East Doggystyle Low End Theory (LOL I can see the hate coming) All Eyez On Me (The only classic 2Pac album is Me Against The World)
Bape |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 0:34 AM | Message # 3 |
Posts: 572
Quote (NtG) Low End Theory (LOL I can see the hate coming) FUCK YES!!! IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS THIS!!! :')
Message edited by Bape - Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 0:34 AM
eboyd |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 0:39 AM | Message # 4 |
Posts: 13145
OB4CL has great production and featured verses. Seriously, quite possibly the best production of any hip hop album. I just don't like Rae much. Even he had his best performances here though. I will say though, it took me like 20 listens to actually like that album.
When I think of overrated supposedly "classic" albums, I think of "Reasonable Doubt" by Jay-Z immediately.
I also agree about 2pac.
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Adam |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 6:42 AM | Message # 5 |
Posts: 3793
hmmm... beastie boy albums.
NtG |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 9:52 AM | Message # 6 |
Posts: 4047
Quote (eboyd) When I think of overrated supposedly "classic" albums, I think of "Reasonable Doubt" by Jay-Z immediately. I was gonna say reasonable doubt but then i looked at the songs on it again and saw: dead presidents II Can I Live Cashmere Thoughts D'Evils 22 Two's
You also cant forget the fact that it opened the door for Jay's career. But w/e, to each their own.
Lord_Meth |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 11:26 AM | Message # 7 |
Posts: 6627
*Commits suicide*
Ice Cube - Amerikkka's Most Wanted & The Predator
Sick With It
NtG |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 11:59 AM | Message # 8 |
Posts: 4047
Quote (Lord_Meth) Quote (NtG) Doggystyle
*Commits suicide* yeah, i take that back, its classic lol
s0dr2 |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 12:04 PM | Message # 9 |
Posts: 2772
run dmc = overrated led zeppelin = overrated pink floyd = slig...no, overrated hmmm....i think thats it so far
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
eboyd |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 12:51 PM | Message # 10 |
Posts: 13145
i would be shocked by this, but then i remembered that you have some strange hatred for the Wu Tang Clan so it's understandable. still, two of the best albums ever recorded imo.
Quote (NtG) Sun Rises In The East
dude.... why do you hate this album so much???
Quote (NtG) Low End Theory (LOL I can see the hate coming)
i'd say it's not as good as Midnight Marauders even though most people think of Low End Theory as Tribe's best album, but this album fits together as a more cohesive whole and is the jazziest ATCQ album of them all. i think you have to be in a specific mind state to understand why this is a classic. idk though. to me, not that many hit tracks, but all the tracks gel together so well that you can't not call it a classic imo.
Quote (NtG) I was gonna say reasonable doubt but then i looked at the songs on it again and saw: dead presidents II Can I Live Cashmere Thoughts D'Evils 22 Two's
You also cant forget the fact that it opened the door for Jay's career. But w/e, to each their own.
those song were meh at best. and the fact that it opened the door to Jay's career makes it even more of a mediocre album imo because i think Jay is easily the most overrated emcee of all time. that's not to say i don't like SOME of his music, but he's nowhere near as talented as the praise he gets would make you think he is.
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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"
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Greeny |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 3:38 PM | Message # 11 |
Posts: 1031
Quote (eboyd) I will say though, it took me like 20 listens to actually like that album. I never understand when people say this. Why do you WORK on LIKING an album? I didn't like Mos Def at first, but then I heard him again a couple of months later and now I'm a liker. Didn't try to, just happened. Quote (Adam) beastie boy albums. I consider two or three of their album classics. Licensed to Ill, Paul's Boutique and Ill Communication. To me classic is subjective, don't think anyone has the right to say for a fact that some album is a classic. Maybe they are overrated tho, idk.
Illmatic anyone?
eboyd |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 3:44 PM | Message # 12 |
Posts: 13145
Quote (Greeny) I never understand when people say this. Why do you WORK on LIKING an album? I didn't like Mos Def at first, but then I heard him again a couple of months later and now I'm a liker. Didn't try to, just happened.
mainly because i bought the album before i heard it so i was like "man, i better not have wasted my money. i'll keep listening to it and see if my opinion changes" and sure enough it did lol.
Quote (Greeny) Illmatic anyone?
any album that a majority of hip hop heads hold to be the greatest hip hop album of all time is destined to be denounced as overrated.
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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"
-T.S. Eliot
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Greeny |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 3:46 PM | Message # 13 |
Posts: 1031
Quote (eboyd) any album that a majority of hip hop heads hold to be the greatest hip hop album of all time is destined to be denounced as overrated. That in itself is what makes it overrated.
NtG |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 5:04 PM | Message # 14 |
Posts: 4047
Quote (eboyd) i would be shocked by this, but then i remembered that you have some strange hatred for the Wu Tang Clan so it's understandable. still, two of the best albums ever recorded imo. Quote (eboyd) dude.... why do you hate this album so much??? production, production, production.
Bape |
Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 5:10 PM | Message # 15 |
Posts: 572
Quote (s0dr2) run dmc = overrated led zeppelin = overrated pink floyd = slig...no, overrated hmmm....i think thats it so far
Message edited by Bape - Tuesday, 27/Sep/11, 5:14 PM