What's everybody been listening to recently??
Chinita |
Date: Wednesday, 21/Mar/12, 9:26 AM | Message # 16 |
Posts: 5823
Quote (KingGoo) The guy was actually pretty innovative and important as far as metal drumming has evolved. that Grimm Real is sick...
Menace |
Date: Wednesday, 21/Mar/12, 11:21 AM | Message # 17 |
Posts: 6764
Coldplay is hella boring. My recent obsession is dancing with my mom on this song
Bape |
Date: Wednesday, 21/Mar/12, 6:28 PM | Message # 18 |
Posts: 572
Quote (Menace) Coldplay is hella boring.
s0dr2 |
Date: Wednesday, 28/Mar/12, 8:36 PM | Message # 19 |
Posts: 2772
Claude Debussy · Préludes Volume 1
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Bape |
Date: Saturday, 31/Mar/12, 5:10 PM | Message # 20 |
Posts: 572
EmSeeD |
Date: Wednesday, 11/Apr/12, 5:58 AM | Message # 21 |
Posts: 11464
Hows this for Chill
http://chirbit.com/emseed http://youtube.com/siwooot
Lord_Meth |
Date: Wednesday, 11/Apr/12, 6:58 PM | Message # 22 |
Posts: 6627
I'm still in my alternative phase. Been listening to alot of Post-Rock now. Bands like Explosions In the Sky, Mono, God Is An Astronaut, The Album Leaf, and the American Dollar.
^^^ All of those bands are perfect for sampling.
This isn't a Post-Rock band, but this is my favorite song at the moment. It's a live recording so it's not as good as the CDQ version
Sick With It
KingGoo |
Date: Thursday, 12/Apr/12, 0:44 AM | Message # 23 |
Posts: 154
I enjoy the post-rock sound and see its appeal, but I feel like most of the bands tend to be way too repetitive and same sounding. It's very aesthetically pleasing music, but I feel like most of just doesn't do much or go very far if anywhere. There are a few bands I do like a lot, especially Rosetta. Post-metal rather than post-rock but I recommend their debut, The Galilean Satellites, whether you like metal or not. It's a double album, first side is all very nice post-metal, second is trippy experimental ambient stuff. I also recommend finding a "combined" version, because when played simultaneously the two sides of the album sync up together and create a very rich and interesting sound texture.
as far as what I've been digging lately, I love shit like this and I can't get enough http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C0QKzRf4Uw
Rep the bay
http://www.last.fm/user/Romencer17 http://soundcloud.com/doobilicious http://soundcloud.com/rome-yamilov
Message edited by KingGoo - Thursday, 12/Apr/12, 0:45 AM
Lord_Meth |
Date: Thursday, 12/Apr/12, 8:25 PM | Message # 24 |
Posts: 6627
Quote (KingGoo) I feel like most of the bands tend to be way too repetitive and same sounding. ^^^ I agree with this 100%. There's only a few bands who actually trendsend the genre, you know.
Sick With It
Bape |
Date: Thursday, 19/Apr/12, 10:49 PM | Message # 25 |
Posts: 572
Basically "Cakes Da Killa" and "SPEAK!" and "Action Bronson" on repeat. For 4 months straight.
vwk2welker |
Date: Friday, 27/Apr/12, 6:59 AM | Message # 26 |
Posts: 1
I was listening to "Bryan Adams - Here I Am song". Its one of my favorite song ever.
[URL=http://futurama.download-episodes.tv/]Watch Futurama Episodes[/URL] , [URL=http://farscape.download-episodes.tv/]Watch Farscape Episodes[/URL]
Lord_Meth |
Date: Sunday, 29/Apr/12, 10:38 AM | Message # 27 |
Posts: 6627
I've JUST reignited my love for Lupe Fiasco. I woke up this morning and listened to The Cool after like...two years and fell in love with this album all over again. I can't believe I forgot how dope this song was.
Sick With It
EmSeeD |
Date: Friday, 04/May/12, 6:50 AM | Message # 28 |
Posts: 11464
listening to this album, this shit is fucking AWESOME
check that shit out man, the album is for free donation so you can just put $0.00 if you want to donwload it for free
http://chirbit.com/emseed http://youtube.com/siwooot
EmSeeD |
Date: Thursday, 26/Jul/12, 3:56 AM | Message # 29 |
Posts: 11464
this is such an awesome baseline, every time i hear it i have it stuck in my head all day
http://chirbit.com/emseed http://youtube.com/siwooot
Lord_Meth |
Date: Thursday, 26/Jul/12, 11:29 AM | Message # 30 |
Posts: 6627
I've been listening to a lot of R&B and Alternative lately. I can't enjoy Hip Hop anymore, for the except of a few artists. It's all just...idk. It aint the same anymore. I'm too aware now. I hear all of the subliminal messages and I just don't like it. People bash these conspiracy theorists, but they're not crazy. It all makes sense now.
Sick With It