Hippei chicks=FUCKING UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!! dude any chick with more hair growing from her armpits then anywhere else on there body is just yuk. you guys might like women with more hair under there arms then on there head. but yeah thats just not my thing...been a hippie means you have failed in the real world so you gotta make up fantasy about bullshit and flower power and whatever else these hippies do..
......comming from a retard like you who must have a split personality i don't think your in any shape naw form to correct me on my spelling now are you.
Message edited by Furious_Pryme - Friday, 29/May/09, 2:12 AM
Hippei chicks=FUCKING UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!! dude any chick with more hair growing from her armpits then anywhere else on there body is just yuk. you guys might like women with more hair under there arms then on there head. but yeah thats just not my thing...been a hippie means you have failed in the real world so you gotta make up fantasy about bullshit and flower power and whatever else these hippies do..
you even saw a hippie chick in your life ?? man your more backward then George Bush LOL hippie chicks can fuck your brains like no one else PLUS these hippies that you said failed in real life helped the Black Panthers in expanding their influence John Lennon was a honorific member of the BPP the hippie movement literary was the backbone of the 60's civil rights movement these pot smoking bastards freed the world from conservative reign you got most of your right to free expression from these mass movements like the hippie movement the anarchist movement and so on SO DUDE SHUT THE FUCK UP !!! i don't why you speaking shit when you don't have an idea about it !!!