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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
I_Guy Date: Wednesday, 01/Jul/09, 2:28 AM | Message # 61

Posts: 1792
Reputation: 1
Quote (eboyd)
Tarantino fucking sucks!

I don't know Tarantino is pretty well respected among the critics, especially the major ones. Pulp Fiction was labled the most influencial film of the '90s, and his originality has been noticed. And the fact is, by tyring to be big time actually got him big time. He's no different than any aspiring rapper or writer trying to be great. In fact many of the acclaimed first generation directors of Hollywood were never properly schooled on cinema. They were a circle of intellectuals who took their interests to film and applied what they knew to cinema. So although film school is ideal (although not necessary) it really depends on the creativity of the individual. But anyways, he's actually quite talented, although I would agree a bit arrogant (but that depends on the opinion of the judge).

We all know that each of our end is near; the question is do we accept the end of our living existence, or do we accept our existence as dead men...
eboyd Date: Wednesday, 01/Jul/09, 3:02 AM | Message # 62

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
dude, i'm sorry, but "Reservoir Dogs,"Pulp Fiction," etc. are all lame. he's just like Michael Bay when it comes to making movies but instead of being all about "hey, let's fill this scene with action" it's "hey, let's fill this scene with gore" while writing a lame ass plot in an attempt to put as much vulgarity in a scene as possible. Tarantino is as crude as it gets and movies like "Grindhouse" (or did he do the other half of that double feature? either way, it sucked) don't help his cause. did you see this new movie he has ready to come out? (or am i late and this already came out?) this shit with Brad Pitt talking about "killing Nazis"? this "Inglorious Basterds" crap? dude, just look at this trailer. i think it's self-explanatory:

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Uncharted Date: Wednesday, 01/Jul/09, 3:15 AM | Message # 63

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spike lee is cool cool

I_Guy Date: Wednesday, 01/Jul/09, 6:27 AM | Message # 64

Posts: 1792
Reputation: 1
Quote (eboyd)
dude, i'm sorry, but "Reservoir Dogs,"Pulp Fiction," etc. are all lame. he's just like Michael Bay when it comes to making movies but instead of being all about "hey, let's fill this scene with action" it's "hey, let's fill this scene with gore" while writing a lame ass plot in an attempt to put as much vulgarity in a scene as possible. Tarantino is as crude as it gets and movies like "Grindhouse" (or did he do the other half of that double feature? either way, it sucked) don't help his cause. did you see this new movie he has ready to come out? (or am i late and this already came out?) this shit with Brad Pitt talking about "killing Nazis"? this "Inglorious Basterds" crap? dude, just look at this trailer. i think it's self-explanatory:

Indeed I am questioning the quality of his latest movie although I am reserving judgment until a final viewing. And definitely nothing like Michael Bay in any way. lol I'm not sure how you formulated this judgment.

The problem with many older movies is that people haven't researched enough or put enough thought to it to know how original they were in their time, so in the modern day they seem lame and played out. The fact is that many movies that come after an original movie rip off the original movie making it later seem lame because it is pulled out of perspective over time. Although at the same time some movies aren't considered great until many years past. So in that case is takes time to put it in perspective.

The truth is, Pulp Fiction changed the way modern movies were made. Everybody rode his style afterwards. His stuff takes a couple viewings (as do all good movies) in order to realize any quality or brilliance in it. Most people don't recognize brilliance when they first encounter it. It's always been like this for some reason. Anyways, there's nothing necessarily "wrong" with vulgarity anyway and in fact up until Kill Bill he kept gore to a minimum but effectively portrayed violence in a way that got the harsh point across just as well as if the actual gore was shown. Grind House failed because it was simply trying to revive a cultural trend that had died long ago, so no one understood the films very well. Most people don't know what truly makes a great film anyway.

BTW, the fact that he writes and directs effective films yet never went to film school is another reason why he is so well respected.

We all know that each of our end is near; the question is do we accept the end of our living existence, or do we accept our existence as dead men...
eboyd Date: Wednesday, 01/Jul/09, 6:52 AM | Message # 65

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Pulp Fiction is an undeniable classic. I was bored watching it, but even my dad who is worse than me when it comes to hating Tarantino liked it. The rest, imo, is shit. I never said profanity was necessarily a bad thing and I never actually compared him to Michael Bay. What I said was while Michael Bay overloads movies with action to make his shit seem good while it's just a gimmick, Tarantino is the same with gore. I totally disagree that started with "Kill Bill." I'd even call "Reservoir Dogs" overly gory. And what about that crap movie "From Dusk Till Dawn"? That was prior to "Kill Bill," no? Oh, and like I said, profanity isn't bad, but deliberate, excessive use of profanity (ie the amount of times the word "fuck" was heard in "Reservoir Dogs") is just stupid.

But here's something we can agree on: Tyler Perry is one of the WORST directors EVER! lol

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I_Guy Date: Wednesday, 01/Jul/09, 7:01 AM | Message # 66

Posts: 1792
Reputation: 1
Quote (eboyd)
Pulp Fiction is an undeniable classic. I was bored watching it, but even my dad who is worse than me when it comes to hating Tarantino liked it. The rest, imo, is shit. I never said profanity was necessarily a bad thing and I never actually compared him to Michael Bay. What I said was while Michael Bay overloads movies with action to make his shit seem good while it's just a gimmick, Tarantino is the same with gore. I totally disagree that started with "Kill Bill." I'd even call "Reservoir Dogs" overly gory. And what about that crap movie "From Dusk Till Dawn"? That was prior to "Kill Bill," no? Oh, and like I said, profanity isn't bad, but deliberate, excessive use of profanity (ie the amount of times the word "fuck" was heard in "Reservoir Dogs") is just stupid.

I did forget about that Resevoir Dogs scene with Michael Madsen. I would say that was a bit too gory but it was supposed to be an attempt to say something about Madsens character. I don't like Resevoir Dogs too much but I do think it was a good first attempt for a first time director using his own writing. By the way, I've heard "fuck" in a regular conversation with people more than what was in Resevoir Dogs, I guess that's just how vulger guys speak, he was displaying a reality. Their wasn't one time where "fuck" was out of place. Everytime it was said I didn't see it unrealistically placed in the character's mouth. Jackie Brown was one of Tarantino's most mature works and very well done. Kill Bill was a bit outlandish but the brilliance of it I think will be realized in the future. There's something in it that I think right now we can't quite grasp. From Dusk Til Dawn isn't actually Tarantino's, that's Robert Rodreiguez's but Tarantino did write it and the first half of the movie is great but the second half they just decided to get straight out rediculous to generate money for their next important projects. They've said that movie didn't really mean anything to them it was just a chance to have fun and get familiar with the aspects of special effects.

Quote (eboyd)
But here's something we can agree on: Tyler Perry is one of the WORST directors EVER

But yes agreed Tyler Perry is shit and uses the same damn forumla every damn movie. Blah

We all know that each of our end is near; the question is do we accept the end of our living existence, or do we accept our existence as dead men...
eboyd Date: Wednesday, 01/Jul/09, 7:42 AM | Message # 67

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (I_Guy)
I did forget about that Resevoir Dogs scene with Michael Madsen. I would say that was a bit too gory but it was supposed to be an attempt to say something about Madsens character. I don't like Resevoir Dogs too much but I do think it was a good first attempt for a first time director using his own writing. By the way, I've heard "fuck" in a regular conversation with people more than what was in Resevoir Dogs, I guess that's just how vulger guys speak, he was displaying a reality. Their wasn't one time where "fuck" was out of place. Everytime it was said I didn't see it unrealistically placed in the character's mouth. Jackie Brown was one of Tarantino's most mature works and very well done. Kill Bill was a bit outlandish but the brilliance of it I think will be realized in the future. There's something in it that I think right now we can't quite grasp. From Dusk Til Dawn isn't actually Tarantino's, that's Robert Rodreiguez's but Tarantino did write it and the first half of the movie is great but the second half they just decided to get straight out rediculous to generate money for their next important projects. They've said that movie didn't really mean anything to them it was just a chance to have fun and get familiar with the aspects of special effects.

that clears things up. i still don't much like Tarantino though. he's too hit-and-miss for my taste. my mom liked Kill Bill btw. and yes, i agree, the only part of From Dusk Till Dawn that i didn't appreciate was the end. the beginning was pretty good. it gets dumb literally like halfway through though. and i laugh my ass off every time i think of Cheech Marin's part lol "we got smelly pussy, clean pussy, hairy pussy, green pussy, purple pussy" lol lol lol that was HILARIOUS! biggrin

Quote (I_Guy)
But yes agreed Tyler Perry is shit and uses the same damn forumla every damn movie. Blah


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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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Lord_Meth Date: Wednesday, 01/Jul/09, 11:58 AM | Message # 68

Posts: 6627
Reputation: 1
Im not too fond of Tyler Perry's movies either but his plays are funny tho
So....if Michael Bay is the Lil Wayne of films.....is Steven Spielburg the Rakim? or wat.....?

Sick With It
Uncharted Date: Wednesday, 01/Jul/09, 1:25 PM | Message # 69

Posts: 4766
Reputation: 1
Quote (I_Guy)
But yes agreed Tyler Perry is shit and uses the same damn forumla every damn movie. Blah

some of his earlier stuff is good but then it got boring, the same old comedy/drama plot

I_Guy Date: Wednesday, 01/Jul/09, 10:13 PM | Message # 70

Posts: 1792
Reputation: 1
Quote (Lord_Meth)
.....is Steven Spielburg the Rakim?

No I would say he's more like the Dr. Dre of films because he revolutionized how fancy a film can be.

We all know that each of our end is near; the question is do we accept the end of our living existence, or do we accept our existence as dead men...
Lord_Meth Date: Wednesday, 01/Jul/09, 10:30 PM | Message # 71

Posts: 6627
Reputation: 1
Quote (I_Guy)

No I would say he's more like the Dr. Dre of films because he revolutionized how fancy a film can be.

okay I Guy u mind telling me how to identify a real movie from a fake movie tho
Cuz this is all new to me

Sick With It
s0dr2 Date: Thursday, 02/Jul/09, 0:02 AM | Message # 72

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
just came back from the theatres....it was not too shabby, kinda confusing though

best part was when megan fox was running away from explosions and whatnot with her little shirt watching her watermelons shake

the scene with that chick trying to seduce shia in college is also nice cool

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

I_Guy Date: Thursday, 02/Jul/09, 1:34 AM | Message # 73

Posts: 1792
Reputation: 1
Quote (Lord_Meth)
okay I Guy u mind telling me how to identify a real movie from a fake movie tho
Cuz this is all new to me

It's not really something that can be explained in short. You have to learn alot about filmmaking in order to realize. But the key things to look for of course the acting, how convincing and original the dialogue is, plot holes and how original the plot is, timing and editing, positioning of the camera, cinematography. Basically the best thing to do is to watch films that are already known to be "real" (Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, Goodfellas, Forest Gump, Pulp Fiction, Apocalypse Now, Taxi Driver, (basically anything from any of the great directors)). If by chance you want to know who the great directors are let me know.

We all know that each of our end is near; the question is do we accept the end of our living existence, or do we accept our existence as dead men...
Uncharted Date: Thursday, 02/Jul/09, 1:00 PM | Message # 74

Posts: 4766
Reputation: 1
i just seen transformers 2 and its nothing special....u can do something and not care much about the movie .The only interesting parts are the fight scences, everything else was boring.couple funny parts but nothing special

eboyd Date: Thursday, 02/Jul/09, 1:28 PM | Message # 75

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (I_Guy)
Shawshank Redemption


My favorite movie!!! biggrin

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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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