Chinita |
Date: Friday, 26/Sep/08, 12:09 PM | Message # 1 |
Posts: 5823
If the forum is not that active, you can catch us on the officia real hip hop forever facebook page http://www.facebook.com/Realhiphopforever
This thread is for new members to introduce themselves or just let us know you're here.Please let us know how you found out about our RHHF site. Thank You.Please reply to this post to introduce yourself, you don't have to start a new thread for it. Read the important tip below before you join us in the forum section.
Tip: Once you're in the forum section click on "new messages" on the top right of your page everytime you want to see any new messages, new replys or threads. it will be a good idea to refresh by clicking it everytime you want to see new posts now come join us in the forum
I find it hard when i join a group or forum and there is no where to introduce myself or how to just get started so thats what this thread is for. In the meantime i'd like to welcome any new members and welcome to real hip hop forever and feel free to post thread, post your videos, music etc.
Be sure to check out some tips in this thread on how to use this site, for example how to post videos, images, sigs, music in here and more. You can ask me or any of the other moderators at anytime. One more thing, don't forget to bookmark the site
A Hip Hop History (1984 Documentary)
Click Here For fullscreen
The Difference Between Hip Hop & Rap
Chinita |
Date: Friday, 12/Jun/09, 9:46 AM | Message # 496 |
Posts: 5823
haha wow thats amazeing, thanks for that info, i dont have any old accounts cause its only been chinita since the beginning but thats good to know. i'm sure there are many people that would love to bring back old accounts lol..i have some friends that might want to dig up there old accounts..
gemini |
Date: Friday, 12/Jun/09, 9:55 AM | Message # 497 |
LadyChinita, Cool, here it is again: http://help.youtube.com/support/youtube/bin/request.py?contact_type=reopenaccount A lot of females delete pages & later regret it...(also certain drunken Englishmen lol)...watch out for ghosts coming back from the dead in the next few days...M
Easty |
Date: Saturday, 20/Jun/09, 4:41 PM | Message # 498 |
Posts: 2
Sup yall.
http://www.youtube.com/user/ProductOfTha90s http://www.myspace.com/productoftha90smuzic
Uncharted |
Date: Saturday, 20/Jun/09, 4:45 PM | Message # 499 |
Posts: 4766
welcome to the group easty!!
Chinita |
Date: Sunday, 21/Jun/09, 9:11 AM | Message # 500 |
Posts: 5823
CTownHoodProductions |
Date: Monday, 22/Jun/09, 10:23 AM | Message # 501 |
Posts: 203
ProductOfTha90s ...hmm sounds familiar ;)...did u hear about rhhf through my youtube/myspace page???
G-Flex Tha Vet and NtG Duo
"Straight from Thieveland, better known as Cleveland"
http://www.myspace.com/ctownhoodproductions http://www.youtube.com/user/CTownHood
BobO |
Date: Monday, 22/Jun/09, 5:36 PM | Message # 502 |
Posts: 211
I don't mean any harm I just wanted to say HELLO!!!
Don't miss the chainchancetrain cuz' your brain might regret his traces
Uncharted |
Date: Monday, 22/Jun/09, 5:48 PM | Message # 503 |
Posts: 4766
Quote (BobO) I don't mean any harm I just wanted to say HELLO!!! BobO, what a name anyways, welcome to the site
Boner-Jamz-11 |
Date: Monday, 22/Jun/09, 6:37 PM | Message # 504 |
Posts: 3900
bobo the clown?
Menace |
Date: Monday, 22/Jun/09, 6:39 PM | Message # 505 |
Posts: 6764
yo what the fuck peeps why yaal roasting Bobo ?? you evil motherfuckers nah Bobo he's a dude I've meet at Ace's camp he's a friend of Ace's and he actually raps and he raps it good
EmSeeD |
Date: Tuesday, 25/Aug/09, 9:25 PM | Message # 506 |
Posts: 11464
bump for those that are new
http://chirbit.com/emseed http://youtube.com/siwooot
dietryingvictoriously |
Date: Monday, 14/Sep/09, 12:12 PM | Message # 507 |
Posts: 52
What up peoples!? Took me a while to register since at first my avatar was too big then the security code was wrong but eventually...... Ive been spying on this site for a while so i had the time to register today and did. sOOOOO ill be seeing ya round
http://www.youtube.com/user/DIETRYINVICTORIOUSLY http://www.myspace.com/dietryingvictoriously http://www.soundcloud.com/dietryingvictoriously
Menace |
Date: Monday, 14/Sep/09, 12:23 PM | Message # 508 |
Posts: 6764
Quote (dietryingvictoriously) What up peoples!? Took me a while to register since at first my avatar was too big then the security code was wrong but eventually...... Ive been spying on this site for a while so i had the time to register today and did. sOOOOO ill be seeing ya round welcome man we are grateful
Chinita |
Date: Monday, 14/Sep/09, 12:59 PM | Message # 509 |
Posts: 5823
Quote (dietryingvictoriously) What up peoples!? Took me a while to register since at first my avatar was too big then the security code was wrong but eventually...... Ive been spying on this site for a while so i had the time to register today and did. sOOOOO ill be seeing ya round welcome and sorry you had a hard time registering, glad to have you as a member now and not just a watcher or spyer lol
EmSeeD |
Date: Tuesday, 15/Sep/09, 3:13 AM | Message # 510 |
Posts: 11464
Quote (dietryingvictoriously) What up peoples!? Took me a while to register since at first my avatar was too big then the security code was wrong but eventually...... Ive been spying on this site for a while so i had the time to register today and did. sOOOOO ill be seeing ya round ah were you the one making the comments as Watcher? or maybe that was someone else
http://chirbit.com/emseed http://youtube.com/siwooot