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Niggaz, Niguaz,Nigguhz, & more Niggers
LyricalContent Date: Tuesday, 03/Mar/09, 0:07 AM | Message # 1

Posts: 255
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I'm not going to tell you where i was going with this, I want to see how many of you will actually catch it


Lets talk about them grimy Nigguhz
them cold slimy Niggaz
or talk about them shysty
and them sometimey Niguaz
they always calling collect from jeal
you know,them winy Nigguhz
or how about them ones that'll leave you bloody with a smile
I mean them cruddy niguaz
The slightest POP, SCREECH, or a SCREAM they running for the hills Niguaz
Those them scary Niggaz
always got they foot in your back
I'm talking about them hate Niggaz
Them "I'll see you at your wake Niguaz
Cheesey grill in your face
that's right them fake Niggaz
but they swear they Real Niggaz
quick to leave you to die but they shoot to kill Niggaz
them "if you been where I've been and seen what I've seen you know just how I feel" Niggahz

For the preaching of the cross is to them that
perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God
1 Cor 1:18

The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the Word of our God shall stand forever
eboyd Date: Tuesday, 03/Mar/09, 9:14 AM | Message # 2

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
I think I understand, but I'm not sure it is finished. It feels like it needs an ending. Like you stopped midway through the poem. I see where you are going though. There are ignorant people out there, specifically the black people disgracing the race, that do stupid, backstabbing shit and are basically extensions of the same ignorant fucks who sold out their neighbors in Africa to white colonialists, but that is the presentation of the problem. Where's your question/answer to said problem? That's what a poem is for afterall. You are there to either pose a question or an answer. So which one will it be? When you figure that out, this piece will truly be finished. Unless of course I didn't "catch it"... ?

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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Deadly-Sin Date: Tuesday, 03/Mar/09, 12:34 PM | Message # 3

Okay seen how LC and erik are both smart
maybe you guys can answer this for me.

I find it strange how black people (mostly African American)
call eachother "Nigga"(Nigger) even tho its a racist word
my point to why im asking this is cause i was wondering
why is it that only black people not all but some (mostly African American)
call themselfs and there "homies, or whatever" Nigga?
yet no other race thats been labeled with a racist slur
call eachother that slur like you never see abunch of asians
going "Hey chink whats good my nip", or "hello kike whats been going on jew"
or "Hey cracker. whats up honkey?" or "Si wetback what you doing borderhopper"...i know that the reason why they say it is out of ignorance
but still i'am wondering why only they seem to do it and nobody
else does it.weird huh? this doesnt have anything to do
with this topic i just posted it here based on the title

eboyd Date: Tuesday, 03/Mar/09, 1:47 PM | Message # 4

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
The reason is that in America and even around the world, for many years, you we're either white or you were black. This was because there are more black people than any other complexion in the world and the white complexion is the second most predominant in the world. By that logic, for many years, anyone "in between" that people were unsure of were lumped into one or the other. For example, if you were an Indian (from India, not Native American), usually you were darker in skin color and so you were considered black and labelled a "Kaffir", basically an African equivalent of "Nigger." However, Italians, who are definitely NOT caucasian, were light enough and followed European traditions and so they were labelled white. Because of these distinctions, naturally, one group was sure to practice power over the other. The majority of white cultures were technologically superior to that of black ones because black cultures tend to lean more towards carrying on tradition and so the whites practiced power over the blacks. Because of this, black people, out of the negative made positives. Much, much later, as in by about the late 1970's in the US, people began looking past race and blacks began gaining equality, but they were still a far cry from it. To counteract this imbalance of equality, blacks, especially inner city blacks, began to take derogatory terms and turn them into terms of endearment. Because at this point actual black people had been separated for quite some time from the lump term "black," instead of all non-white people taking on these terms, only black people did. This was further enforced in the 80's and early 90's in hip hop when ATCQ, 2pac and other acts spoke on the term "nigga" as opposed to "nigger" as being a term of endearment. 2pac went as far as to make an acronym out of it:


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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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LyricalContent Date: Tuesday, 03/Mar/09, 8:47 PM | Message # 5

Posts: 255
Reputation: 0
Quote (eboyd)
I think I understand, but I'm not sure it is finished. It feels like it needs an ending. Like you stopped midway through the poem. I see where you are going though. There are ignorant people out there, specifically the black people disgracing the race, that do stupid, backstabbing shit and are basically extensions of the same ignorant fucks who sold out their neighbors in Africa to white colonialists, but that is the presentation of the problem. Where's your question/answer to said problem? That's what a poem is for afterall. You are there to either pose a question or an answer. So which one will it be? When you figure that out, this piece will truly be finished. Unless of course I didn't "catch it"... ?

well done Erik my boy, you are right also in saying it's not finished, you know i could never get this finished as you can see it has more holes in it then swiss cheese lol I don't know I guess this is one of pieces of work that got the best of me lol but i see where your coming from though, it's like i said i could never get this one finished, the way i posted it is the way i wrote it but when i when back and read it i seen all the holes in it but could never fill the holes, crazy right? for some reason i felt i had to share this

For the preaching of the cross is to them that
perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God
1 Cor 1:18

The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the Word of our God shall stand forever
Deadly-Sin Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 1:09 AM | Message # 6

Thanks Erik..that didn't really answer what i had asked!
but thanks for that little lesson
EmSeeD Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 2:24 AM | Message # 7

Posts: 11464
Reputation: 8
Quote (Kriptah-Knite)
Thanks Erik..that didn't really answer what i had asked!
but thanks for that little lesson

yeah it did but mostly the last few lines

Quote (eboyd)
people began looking past race and blacks began gaining equality, but they were still a far cry from it. To counteract this imbalance of equality, blacks, especially inner city blacks, began to take derogatory terms and turn them into terms of endearment. Because at this point actual black people had been separated for quite some time from the lump term "black," instead of all non-white people taking on these terms, only black people did. This was further enforced in the 80's and early 90's in hip hop when ATCQ, 2pac and other acts spoke on the term "nigga" as opposed to "nigger" as being a term of endearment. 2pac went as far as to make an acronym out of it:

Deadly-Sin Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 2:27 AM | Message # 8

well in that case me and 8diagramsofdeath are
now "CWA" (Chinks with Additude)
Menace Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 4:14 PM | Message # 9

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
it's idiotic of any black person to call himself nigga or nigger many African brothers condemn this shit i remember that Richard Pryor the president of the N word went to a trip in Africa and he couldn't find in the African lexicon and the English colonial lexicon the word nigger that moved Richard because it's idiotic to call yourself colonial and post colonial names its IDIOTIC however you twist it it's idiotic and you will never see a Jew to be called a Achtung Juden or a Kike maybe you will see in the streets a Asian dude to be called Chink but u will never see a Jew called like that Why u will never see that ?? they died in the Holocaust they suffered well my brothers we suffered too in fact we won our independence in the 60's and our Holocaust was 500 years of pure shit thrown to us so we deserve the same respect too wink

LyricalContent Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 4:22 PM | Message # 10

Posts: 255
Reputation: 0
Quote (Menace)
it's idiotic of any black person to call himself nigga or nigger many African brothers condemn this shit i remember that Richard Pryor the president of the N word went to a trip in Africa and he couldn't find in the African lexicon and the English colonial lexicon the word nigger that moved Richard because it's idiotic to call yourself colonial and post colonial names its IDIOTIC however you twist it it's idiotic and you will never see a Jew to be called a Achtung Juden or a Kike maybe you will see in the streets a Asian dude to be called Chink but u will never see a Jew called like that Why u will never see that ?? they died in the Holocaust they suffered well my brothers we suffered too in fact we won our independence in the 60's and our Holocaust was 500 years of pure shit thrown to us so we deserve the same respect too

that was part of the reason for this poem and the use of the N word thru out the poem and the N word being spelled all kinds of ways
i just never got to finish it

For the preaching of the cross is to them that
perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God
1 Cor 1:18

The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the Word of our God shall stand forever
EmSeeD Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 4:25 PM | Message # 11

Posts: 11464
Reputation: 8
Quote (Menace)
it's idiotic of any black person to call himself nigga or nigger many African brothers condemn this shit i remember that Richard Pryor the president of the N word went to a trip in Africa and he couldn't find in the African lexicon and the English colonial lexicon the word nigger that moved Richard because it's idiotic to call yourself colonial and post colonial names its IDIOTIC however you twist it it's idiotic and you will never see a Jew to be called a Achtung Juden or a Kike maybe you will see in the streets a Asian dude to be called Chink but u will never see a Jew called like that Why u will never see that ?? they died in the Holocaust they suffered well my brothers we suffered too in fact we won our independence in the 60's and our Holocaust was 500 years of pure shit thrown to us so we deserve the same respect too wink

coz there are so many Jews who are rich business men with power, so if you say anything bad about them you get your ass fucked up.

Menace Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 4:36 PM | Message # 12

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Quote (Em_SeeD)
coz there are so many Jews who are rich business men with power, so if you say anything bad about them you get your ass fucked up.

so isn't that discrimination and favoritism ?? these young cats now days don't understand that this shit goes deeper then they think why a minority must be an elite minority so they can institute their power over others ?? we are not all equal ?? well man shit smells really bad here so black folks need to REALLY EMANCIPATE

eboyd Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 5:01 PM | Message # 13

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Unless the black race either gets true equality with the white race or gains power over all races like white people have today, which I hope never happens because we need to put an end to the power struggle already, black people will never emancipate themselves from the word "nigga" because it is used to counteract "nigger" and it is very powerfully expressive in that it is the black way of segregation. Whites segregated blacks for several years, to different degrees and for different lengths of time depending on the country you refer to. "Nigga" is a word blacks and whites both know white people can't use because if they do they will have an angry mob chasing them. The word itself is a form of power. It is the power that blacks, especially those still bitter over racism, use as the only power they have over whites. A racist white corporation owner can flex his power without saying a word. He just puts blacks in either the most demeaning or lowest paying jobs, but the black man holds one thing over him that he cannot touch and that's the word "nigga."

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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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Menace Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 5:13 PM | Message # 14

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
this is pure BULLSHIT if the word itself is POWER then i will hang myself today the WORD doesn't bring money in our pockets the word has no material value this thing is strictly social and it implies INEQUALITY for us Jews can use police state tactics to bring down their enemies nigga is a synonym for nigger inherently it's RACIAL even you admitted it's racial let's end this and be human beings among one other us as black folks and why the word NIGGA been merged in the popular ventricular and popular culture ? if Achtung Juden was used in the pop culture you would see raids from the Mossad all over Hollywood and yes this is really about POWER and power begins from below and from the way we interact whit each other

eboyd Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 5:37 PM | Message # 15

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Menace, I do not appreciate your tone. You could have easily counteracted my opinion without calling it bullshit. Now, power doesn't equate to material. Let's get philosophical for a minute. What is power? Power doesn't necessarily mean that you have more of something than someone else and therefore have power in that sense. Power is one entity having leverage over another. Black people have leverage over white people with the word "nigga" because they allow themselves to say it but they do not allow whites to say it. They say it to each other, but white people are not allowed to say it to them and that creates a version of power, no matter how lame and nonsensical it is.

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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