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Forum moderator: s0dr2, El_Matador  
Be A Nigger Too?
Watcher Date: Friday, 18/Dec/09, 10:26 PM | Message # 16

[quote=eboyd]words have been historically softened because they've been mainstreamed. the N word is actually a prime example of this. we hear it almost colloquially now whereas 50 years ago, even 25 years ago, it was a far bigger taboo than it is today. history has shown us that harsh words lose their meanings as we begin to use them more often. now i don't encourage that white people start using it right now. maybe if the word takes on new meaning in 50 years and becomes just another word for black, or ignorant, or something, i think then we will have succeeded in taking away the power of racist people. now i don't suggest forgetting the history of the word, but understanding that and having everyone know that we deliberately mainstreamed it to strip it of it's power. never has a word had so much power, struck so much fear, in all of humanity. we're letting a word defeat us. this is the way you beat it. we need to show people that we are better than that word. only then will we free ourselves from it's shackles. [/quote]

White people will be allowed to use the word when both blacks and whites are on an even playing field. That obviously is not the case, not in America, not in South Africa, not in Brazil, not anywhere. Blacks the world over are still oppressed in one way or another, be it genocide through violence or genocide through laws restricting us the same rights as others simply because of skin color. Steps have to made to erradicate the social ills we face in the race issue, but the problem has yet to be solved. Since we are still at the bottom, we still retain that word as ours. When we get what's rightfully ours (freedom), then we can discuss what you can and cannot say.

Watcher Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 1:32 AM | Message # 17

What about mexicans, jesus christ we got it worse atm, and no one ever thinks about it. You ever those Wayne Wright commercials.
abanks47 Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 1:45 AM | Message # 18

Posts: 1466
Reputation: 0
What about mexicans, jesus christ we got it worse atm, and no one ever thinks about it. You ever those Wayne Wright commercials.

aint trying to compare race struggles but what mexicans are going through now is not even a fraction of what blacks went through from the time slavery started and how its affects are still seen today. sorry just not the case. once again, its terrible and i have nothing but love for all races, its just not the same.


"I Have No Fear Whatsoever of Anybody or Anything" -Malcolm X

“those who consider themselves the most adamant adherents of “real” hip-hop can also be the least knowledgeable.” –Adilifu Nama; an excert from his perception of Nas’s “Genesis”

eboyd Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 3:19 AM | Message # 19

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (El_Matador)
Eboyd! Say that word!!!

Quote (Joker13)
yeah eboyd say nigger

i sort of did lol!:

Quote (eboyd)
Eventually the word evolved into the word "nigger", and in South Africa and other parts of the world the word "Kaffir" arose, at the height of racism around the world.

but yeah, i don't feel that i should ever use that term unless i am using it in quoting or talking about it's origins.

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-T.S. Eliot

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eboyd Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 3:23 AM | Message # 20

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (Watcher)
White people will be allowed to use the word when both blacks and whites are on an even playing field. That obviously is not the case, not in America, not in South Africa, not in Brazil, not anywhere. Blacks the world over are still oppressed in one way or another, be it genocide through violence or genocide through laws restricting us the same rights as others simply because of skin color. Steps have to made to erradicate the social ills we face in the race issue, but the problem has yet to be solved. Since we are still at the bottom, we still retain that word as ours. When we get what's rightfully ours (freedom), then we can discuss what you can and cannot say.

i agree. however, with the fact that the term is being weakened every day, we can see that things are progressing, albeit far too slow. i am just suggesting that we don't complain that it is becoming more acceptable because it is only indicative of the times changing for the better.

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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El_Matador Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 7:48 AM | Message # 21

Posts: 3347
Reputation: 2
Quote (eboyd)
Quote (El_Matador)
Eboyd! Say that word!!!

Quote (Joker13)
yeah eboyd say nigger

i sort of did lol!:

you said EVERYTHING about that word... except that word. lol

MENACE 2 JOKER: Go back to Mexico you damn spic
JOKER 2 MENACE: Shut up you fake nigga your a damn sand nigger not a full nigger

Save Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 9:52 AM | Message # 22

Posts: 42
Reputation: 0
Racism in Australia was also pretty brutal before and some time after its foundation in 1901.

we had a 'White Australia Policy' spanning from 1901 to 1975. Preventing any race other than white to be allowed to set foot on Australian Soil.
The aboriginals have and still are extremely mistreated. Before Foundation many aboriginal children were taken from their familes and used as slaves. at some point the white people of the late 1800's to 1940's tried to kill off the entire race of native aboriginals from australia by forcing them off cliffs.

so pretty much all the racial slurrs towards them have a very fresh history behind them. so i dont plan on going up to an aboriginal and calling him anything because i kinda like my head situated on my neck ^_^

yeeah boii
ilikebacon3000 Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 3:53 PM | Message # 23

Posts: 3979
Reputation: 1
Quote (abanks47)
aint trying to compare race struggles but what mexicans are going through now is not even a fraction of what blacks went through from the time slavery started and how its affects are still seen today. sorry just not the case. once again, its terrible and i have nothing but love for all races, its just not the same.

Blacks are no longer going through what they were 150 years ago.
That is long, long gone. However, blacks in America and all over the world are still affected by these events that occurred 150 years ago.
Black people have had complete freedom for about 50 years now in America, and you can't blame every problem that black people have on white people. I don't want to sound like a complete bigot here but you are really overplaying the race card here buddy.
I can't help what happened in the past, nor do I support any of the oppression that black people and other minorty groups have faced due to the power that white European's have given themselves in the last "however many" years.
With that being said, is that a reason to demand freedom and equality when black people already have it today? Is that a reason to whine and moan about the past?
No offense, but the past is done. You can't go back and change it. But you can put yourself in a better position today by using what you have been given and making the best of it.

Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.
Menace Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 4:58 PM | Message # 24

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Quote (ilikebacon3000)
Black people have had complete freedom for about 50 years now in America,

what ?? LMAO complete freedom ?? the whole working class is chained and you talking about complete freedom in the US LOL nobody has freedom

Quote (ilikebacon3000)
However, blacks in America and all over the world are still affected by these events that occurred 150 years ago.

Most post colonial countries are based on a racist infrastructure inherited from past generations you can't say any minority or black person has freedom when he/she is living in a country that doesn't redistribute social wealth to black communities . A new country deprived of racist prerogatives and deprived of the phenomena of " racism " can be abolished in the same time whit capitalism which created it . If you observed only now whit the rise of moderate left wing populist politics in the US racism eased . If we want to get rid of racism we must get rid of everything from how we treat each other how we shit to how we conduct or economic arrangements .

ilikebacon3000 Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 5:11 PM | Message # 25

Posts: 3979
Reputation: 1
Quote (Menace)
what ?? LMAO complete freedom ?? the whole working class is chained and you talking about complete freedom in the US LOL nobody has freedom

Thats weird because like 30 minutes I was thinking "Why do so many so called-leftists talk SO much about saving Darfur, yet they aren't free themselves?" So yeah, I see what you mean.
But we are free. If you define free by who has the most money and who has acsess to what they want, then you aren't free. You can liberate yourself. You take what you want. You take what you need. You say what you want. You buy guns and protect yourself. That's freedom. And I can say in America, I don't have the right to do that. So America isn't free I guess.

Quote (Menace)
Most post colonial countries are based on a racist infrastructure inherited from past generations you can't say any minority or black person has freedom when he/she is living in a country that doesn't redistribute social wealth to black communities . A new country deprived of racist prerogatives and deprived of the phenomena of " racism " can be abolished in the same time whit capitalism which created it . If you observed only now whit the rise of moderate left wing populist politics in the US racism eased . If we want to get rid of racism we must get rid of everything from how we treat each other how we shit to how we conduct or economic arrangements .

Then why don't blacks unite and just say "Fuck the system". There is no "racial infrastructure" which holds them back. People who are oppressed are holding themselves back. Freedom is a matter of free-will. You want it, you do it. Whether it is right or wrong doesn't matter. You fucking do it. That is freedom. You are only as oppressed as you let yourself be.

Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.
abanks47 Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 5:50 PM | Message # 26

Posts: 1466
Reputation: 0
Blacks are no longer going through what they were 150 years ago.
That is long, long gone. However, blacks in America and all over the world are still affected by these events that occurred 150 years ago.
Black people have had complete freedom for about 50 years now in America, and you can't blame every problem that black people have on white people. I don't want to sound like a complete bigot here but you are really overplaying the race card here buddy.
I can't help what happened in the past, nor do I support any of the oppression that black people and other minorty groups have faced due to the power that white European's have given themselves in the last "however many" years.
With that being said, is that a reason to demand freedom and equality when black people already have it today? Is that a reason to whine and moan about the past?
No offense, but the past is done. You can't go back and change it. But you can put yourself in a better position today by using what you have been given and making the best of it.

With emphasis on the
but you are really overplaying the race card here buddy.
how am i "overplaying" anything

150? Try 30 years ago. The main point of discussion is the word nigger, and it was used in America to belittle blacks all the time well into the 70's. Not to say the word died in the 80s, was and is still used to belittle blacks just not as often as it was back then. Now the extreme mistreatment, beatings, and killings of blacks; I'd say that started to stop around 1940-1950, near the Emmit Till incident. far from 150 years ago homie. This is my family you're telling to me to get over. those who were strung up, beaten, cheated, never defended, teased, reticuled, raped, tortured and burned. can never, will never, and should never be forgotten. it's american history and some portions of history cannot be told with a smile.

Also how do you think blacks should think of the history of there ancestors? How can we not overreact?

You don't sound like a bigot, just misinformed.


"I Have No Fear Whatsoever of Anybody or Anything" -Malcolm X

“those who consider themselves the most adamant adherents of “real” hip-hop can also be the least knowledgeable.” –Adilifu Nama; an excert from his perception of Nas’s “Genesis”

ALCATRAZ Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 6:08 PM | Message # 27

Posts: 473
Reputation: 0
Quote (ilikebacon3000)
Black people have had complete freedom for about 50 years now in America

you obviously don't know what the hell you're talking about !!!!

go ride some half pipes and rails and stick to what you know, skater boy !!!!!

Added (19/Dec/09, 6:08 Pm)

Quote (ilikebacon3000)
Then why don't blacks unite and just say "Fuck the system". There is no "racial infrastructure" which holds them back. People who are oppressed are holding themselves back. Freedom is a matter of free-will. You want it, you do it. Whether it is right or wrong doesn't matter. You fucking do it. That is freedom. You are only as oppressed as you let yourself be.

hahahaha the nerve of this child!!!!

"I personally think OBCL2 is better than the original" - Lord Meth

Message edited by ALCATRAZ - Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 6:08 PM
s0dr2 Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 6:29 PM | Message # 28

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
im like.........middle eastern, from africa (aka the motherland, thats the right hand black man ;) ) ...but my skin tone is like olive........... can i say the n word?

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

ALCATRAZ Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 6:32 PM | Message # 29

Posts: 473
Reputation: 0
if u have to ask, thats a definite NO

"I personally think OBCL2 is better than the original" - Lord Meth

El_Matador Date: Saturday, 19/Dec/09, 7:22 PM | Message # 30

Posts: 3347
Reputation: 2
Quote (sodr2)
can i say the n word?

even eboyd says that :D

MENACE 2 JOKER: Go back to Mexico you damn spic
JOKER 2 MENACE: Shut up you fake nigga your a damn sand nigger not a full nigger
