everybody chill with the attacking comments
Quote (Pensmoke)
I do NOT concede on anything I have said.
yes you did. take a look a what you wrote. i'm not attacking, just stating a fact:
Quote (Pensmoke)
I don't want a lifestyle that I know is wrong forced upon my kid as some kind of doctrine.
by saying this you concede that you KNOW that being gay is wrong.
here is another example of this:
Quote (Pensmoke)
Marriage, by DEFINITON, is between a man and a woman.
according to a relatively new document called proposition 8, which was supported by the majority of Californians, and similar bills in other states, the state constitutions of these particular states define marriage as such. most dictionaries do also suggest this, but that is because homosexuality has never been accepted in the US and most other nations around the world. there are, however, many nations in which homosexuality and gay marriage have been more predominant than heterosexuality. in ancient Macedonia, for example, the culture could be described as "bisexual." sex did not much matter. couples were male-male or male-female. in India today, though marriage is between man and woman, sex for pleasure mainly exists between two men. i am not saying it is morally right or wrong, i'm just saying that you are trying to concede a definition of marriage when this is a controversial subject and words are simply symbols created by humans to describe a specific concept. they evolve over time, so definitions change. this is proven. if you want to make this statement positive, rather than a normative response trying hard to be positive, you need to change your statement a bit:
"Marriage, as defined by the standard definition most countries accept right now, is between a man and a woman"
Quote (Pensmoke)
I don't recall ever saying that you or anyone else should believe what I believe or that it should be forced on anyone.
not outright, but you are supportive of the idea of theocracy which inherently would make it so that we would all have to accept Christian ideals. that in itself implies that you would, if you could, push religion on me and others, unless you and i have a misunderstanding on your ideologies when it comes to politics.
and on a side note, i've noticed you take things you dislike/disagree with and make them sound monstrous. i respectfully ask you to please refrain from such practice:
Quote (Pensmoke)
Any person who feels that giving people rights reserved for a married couple who can procreate to a couple of guys who like to sodomize each other
why would you imply that all gay people violently force sex upon each other? you could have easily said "perform anal copulation with" or "have anal sex with" or even refrained from mentioning their sexual tendencies completely, considering that is not the only quality that defines a gay individual, but you chose to use a term that is very derogatory and hateful. why?