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A Video For Basically Every Argument
Menace Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 6:42 PM | Message # 76

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
i live in a 3rd world country at my age i work and go to school i am the only man in the house so i take care of my mother i live in a post communist country my dad was a dissident now I've been marked from my birth as a dissident neither the west or the east doesn't welcome my kind riots are something on the basis here they trash shit whit out respecting every time i go trough this shit so RESPECT ME OKAY SUCKERS !!! biggrin naah I'm just kidding just to break the tension:D and i think i will get a balls operation and i will remain only whit one ball wacko

11thPlague Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 6:45 PM | Message # 77

Quote (Joker13)
damn man these god threads go crazy sometimes chill homie we respect you it's just arguement threads is where all these people go off

Co Sign

I told yall to quit responding

People Believe in God people Don believe in God

Thats just the way it is thats the way its always gonna be

Pensmoke You get mad for people treating you like you treat them on these kinds of threads.
I know your a respectful dude and people respect you But when you come over here you talk diffrent.
And im tired of people acting like there the only ones that have been thru shit. EVERYONE has problems PEOPLE have been thru stuff. Just because you have dont make you speacial. Im not gonna respect you because of your past imma respect you because of what your doing now. SO CHILL OUT

11thPlague Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 6:55 PM | Message # 78

Quote (Pensmoke)
If any of the cats on here met me in person and saw what type of cat I am in real life they wouldn't talk so crazy to me. I am from Memphis, man. Most of the cats on here would be shot within a few hours of their flight touching down there thats real talk. I seen stuff that would haunt you. Three fourths of the people I went to school with are dead or in jail. I aint glorifying any of this I am trying to make a point. You people see me as a Christian stereotype not a real cat that you might could relate to if you layed your ASSsmptions aside. I aint some little punk that can be talked to any kind of way.

SEE there you go again Look dude I been thru some shit too THERE IS WORST PLACE IN THE WORLD THEN OUR HOODS OVER HERE IN THE USA so like i said plz stop mentioning what you been thru or what terrifing hood your from cause (no disrespect) i dont care like i respect you for what you doing now not the past

11thPlague Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 6:56 PM | Message # 79

Quote (Pensmoke)
The point is if I was some kinda d-boy still like everybody else back home and getting locked up or shot at every 5 minutes I would get more respect than I get now when I am trying to do what I think is right. This world is ass-backwards.

No you wouldnt be respect they would probably be afraid of you but not respected dont confuse the two

LyricalContent Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 6:57 PM | Message # 80

Posts: 255
Reputation: 0
Quote (Pensmoke)
The point is if I was some kinda d-boy still like everybody else back home and getting locked up or shot at every 5 minutes I would get more respect than I get now

truth, it's the same way with me

For the preaching of the cross is to them that
perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God
1 Cor 1:18

The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the Word of our God shall stand forever

Message edited by LyricalContent - Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 7:10 PM
ill Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 7:11 PM | Message # 81

Posts: 2087
Reputation: 0
real talk fam there is no agenda we are not taking sides your just wrong

The World Is Yours
Menace Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 7:32 PM | Message # 82

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Quote (Pensmoke)
And I think you meant "YOU'RE just wrong" by the way. How you gonna tell me I'm wrong and you can't spell it right fam?

he's English he's from the UK he speaks street English whit that accent biggrin

ill Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 7:36 PM | Message # 83

Posts: 2087
Reputation: 0
don't go about being a bitch because you can't take the fact that you're wrong

i respect you, but not your opinions

The World Is Yours

Message edited by ill - Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 7:36 PM
ill Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 7:50 PM | Message # 84

Posts: 2087
Reputation: 0
lol im not perfect, im not all knowing, im not calling you names im saying dont act like a bitch. my spelling and grammar are not perfect too but i hope god can forgive me

youre wrong because your reasons are irrelevant and homophobic against gay marriage is it that hard to see? allowing them to marry is RIGHT because they are as different as you and me, we shouldnt descriminate against anyone regardless if theyre gay or straight

im sorry, you can go back to you religious high horse now and continue with your cafeteria interpretation of the bible

The World Is Yours

Message edited by ill - Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 7:52 PM
eboyd Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 7:57 PM | Message # 85

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
everybody chill with the attacking comments

Quote (Pensmoke)
I do NOT concede on anything I have said.

yes you did. take a look a what you wrote. i'm not attacking, just stating a fact:

Quote (Pensmoke)
I don't want a lifestyle that I know is wrong forced upon my kid as some kind of doctrine.

by saying this you concede that you KNOW that being gay is wrong.

here is another example of this:

Quote (Pensmoke)
Marriage, by DEFINITON, is between a man and a woman.

according to a relatively new document called proposition 8, which was supported by the majority of Californians, and similar bills in other states, the state constitutions of these particular states define marriage as such. most dictionaries do also suggest this, but that is because homosexuality has never been accepted in the US and most other nations around the world. there are, however, many nations in which homosexuality and gay marriage have been more predominant than heterosexuality. in ancient Macedonia, for example, the culture could be described as "bisexual." sex did not much matter. couples were male-male or male-female. in India today, though marriage is between man and woman, sex for pleasure mainly exists between two men. i am not saying it is morally right or wrong, i'm just saying that you are trying to concede a definition of marriage when this is a controversial subject and words are simply symbols created by humans to describe a specific concept. they evolve over time, so definitions change. this is proven. if you want to make this statement positive, rather than a normative response trying hard to be positive, you need to change your statement a bit:

"Marriage, as defined by the standard definition most countries accept right now, is between a man and a woman"

Quote (Pensmoke)
I don't recall ever saying that you or anyone else should believe what I believe or that it should be forced on anyone.

not outright, but you are supportive of the idea of theocracy which inherently would make it so that we would all have to accept Christian ideals. that in itself implies that you would, if you could, push religion on me and others, unless you and i have a misunderstanding on your ideologies when it comes to politics.

and on a side note, i've noticed you take things you dislike/disagree with and make them sound monstrous. i respectfully ask you to please refrain from such practice:

Quote (Pensmoke)
Any person who feels that giving people rights reserved for a married couple who can procreate to a couple of guys who like to sodomize each other

why would you imply that all gay people violently force sex upon each other? you could have easily said "perform anal copulation with" or "have anal sex with" or even refrained from mentioning their sexual tendencies completely, considering that is not the only quality that defines a gay individual, but you chose to use a term that is very derogatory and hateful. why?

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

battle record:


ill Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 8:11 PM | Message # 86

Posts: 2087
Reputation: 0
ye i just sent erik the memo of how to be in the athiest cool group with no morals

if you cant stick up for what you believe in an arguement maybe its time you had a look at what you believe

The World Is Yours
Menace Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 8:13 PM | Message # 87

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Erik didn't come at you wrong or biased or whatever look at that big ass comment his debating these notions that Christianity condemns instead of talking about hoods or always repeating that we are naive and shit instead of that bring some news i mean at least to Erik that took from his time to debate whit you these issues no?? nobody felt inferior or superior i don't know why do u think like this and this is an open site free speech is allowed here so you will see this kind of threads tough on the real none of this threads are disrespectful Emseed one of our Christian members posted this kind of material its good to debate this kind of stuff

ill Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 8:14 PM | Message # 88

Posts: 2087
Reputation: 0
Quote (Pensmoke)
This is proof positive that spiritual things can only be understood by the spiritually discerned

sorry that my high horse is having morals

The World Is Yours
Menace Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 8:19 PM | Message # 89

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
yet again people take it personal then debating the SUBJECT AT HAND

eboyd Date: Wednesday, 04/Mar/09, 8:21 PM | Message # 90

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (Pensmoke)
LOL I saw this coming a mile away. Erik joining in with the rest.

wait, hold up man. there is a lot of language you are using here without actually writing it. you have already implied that most everyone here who argues against you is closed minded and thinks they are superior. this very well may be true. however, with the above statement you lump me in with them when my comment was CLEARLY respectful and came from an angle at which i simply took your comment and the incorrect statements you made and showed you true examples of this, not because i wanted to disrespect you or make you look inferior, but because i want to let you realize that what i was saying was purely factual or based on fact. i am disagreeing with you here because many of your statements, from my interpretation of what you said, which may well be a misinterpretation, were contradictory. i am simply waiting for you to either disprove me or come to an understanding with me.

Quote (Pensmoke)
How the hell do you expect me to act.

Menace attacked one of my ideologies in the "Niggaz, Nigguhz..." thread that Lyrical posted. look at my response to his disrespect. i'm not going to impose my morals on you; you are my elder and you have a right to handle any given situation in any way you like, but that is how i would expect a full grown man to respond.

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

battle record:

