I can't say i know of any violent religions though i know of violent so called religious people.
To censor ideas is the highest form of Facism i can think of. If people feel they need an ideological crutch to get by thats fine by me...each to their own.
Many scientific discoveries were made in the persuit of God, many socialogical benefits arose as consequence of unifying ideals; be they religious or political , whatever the dogma.
When ideas are taken out of context and people are taught to fear, are oppressed and prompted to panic, the very worst of human nature can become apparent, in both those who manipulate in a controlled and rational manner and those who react irrationally to continual agitation by those manipulators and the social pressures they create.
The common denominator to any outrage in my opinion is the individual, not its belief system.
You are right, 100%, there are no excuses.
Why though remove or raise humanity from the rest of nature, is it intrinsically benevolent?
Even the non-violent protester offering themselves to violent authoritarianism is complicit in the transaction of violence.
Non conformists conforming to non-conformity.
I'm not against it but to me it's fuel to the fire.
If anyone in society is against that societies constructs and are non violent...leave it.
Remove yourself from the cities any non essential technologies acquire land as an individual or collective and farm it.
Cease agitating others and focus on your own community, then when others come to try and take it see where human nature will take you.
That's tribalism practiced for countless millenia.
Humanity is no more sophisticated because of the toys or ideas it has developed to amuse itself than its ancient ancestors.
Thats my take anyway bro, i do enjoy your posts, sharing is definitly one of the better parts of human nature and you have a lot to share.