Catholics: Idol Worshippers
Menace |
Date: Monday, 06/Apr/09, 5:10 PM | Message # 76 |
Posts: 6764
Quote (sodr2) yeah, its just too bad they are also heretics that reject the sacraments Added (06/Apr/09, 4:31 Pm) --------------------------------------------- menace, let me just ask you a question that will get you thinking... If God doesn't exist, then how did Balaam's donkey talk to him when he was beating him too hard? yeah and Catholics are committing Idolatry so its the same and a donkey speaks ??? supernatural phenomenas can be in the same category as miracles
ill |
Date: Monday, 06/Apr/09, 5:32 PM | Message # 77 |
Posts: 2087
Quote (sodr2) uhhhhhhhh, i asked what beief means according to THE BIBLE you cant base a fair arguement on the bible, if thats what you want then you shouldnt even be argueing. if the bible said belief is truth it wouldnt make it so
The World Is Yours
Message edited by ill - Monday, 06/Apr/09, 5:33 PM
Chinita |
Date: Monday, 06/Apr/09, 5:34 PM | Message # 78 |
Posts: 5823
EmSeeD |
Date: Monday, 06/Apr/09, 6:01 PM | Message # 79 |
Posts: 11464
isn't it a herasy to pray to the dead? and where does it say he couldn't do miracles yet? if you say he couldn't do miracles then why did he end up doing one anyway? i thought you said it wasn't his time?
s0dr2 |
Date: Monday, 06/Apr/09, 6:17 PM | Message # 80 |
Posts: 2772
Quote (EmSeeD) isn't it a herasy to pray to the dead? and where does it say he couldn't do miracles yet? if you say he couldn't do miracles then why did he end up doing one anyway? i thought you said it wasn't his time? i have a feeling you didn't read the passage John 2:1-4 On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” ----> Jesus could not do miracles yet because His ministry did not start yet, BUT Mary asked Jesus to help those in need <---- ----------------- and i dont know about praying for the dead.....if someone dies, the priest can give them absolution if he missed confession
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Message edited by sodr2 - Monday, 06/Apr/09, 6:19 PM
ill |
Date: Monday, 06/Apr/09, 8:16 PM | Message # 81 |
Posts: 2087
why are you a christian?
The World Is Yours
EmSeeD |
Date: Monday, 06/Apr/09, 8:57 PM | Message # 82 |
Posts: 11464
Quote (sodr2) ----> Jesus could not do miracles yet because His ministry did not start yet, BUT Mary asked Jesus to help those in need <---- ----------------- and i dont know about praying for the dead.....if someone dies, the priest can give them absolution if he missed confession COULD NOT? or WOULD not? clearly Jesus COULD do miracle at that time and he also had disciples with him at that time so what does that tell you? Mary doesn't ask Jesus to pray to God to turn the water into wine, Jesus turns it into wine. When he says his time hasn't come it means the time for his purpose to become clear to everyone but that hadn't come yet. Not the time for him to suddenly become divine or anything. Mary asks Jesus to do something about the wine, Jesus says his time hasn't come, Mary says to the servants of the wedding to do whatever Jesus tells them to do. How has this got anything to do with praying to dead saints to help you get help from God?
EmSeeD |
Date: Monday, 06/Apr/09, 9:00 PM | Message # 83 |
Posts: 11464
read verse 4-9
s0dr2 |
Date: Monday, 06/Apr/09, 10:02 PM | Message # 84 |
Posts: 2772
Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JES US CAN DO ANYTHING, BUT HE LIMITS HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND YOU'RE THE ONE WHO MENTIONED PRAYING FOR THE DEAD!!!!!!!!! Added (06/Apr/09, 10:02 Pm) ---------------------------------------------
Quote (EmSeeD) When he says his time hasn't come it means the time for his purpose to become clear to everyone WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN??????????????????????????????????
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Message edited by sodr2 - Monday, 06/Apr/09, 10:02 PM
EmSeeD |
Date: Tuesday, 07/Apr/09, 0:41 AM | Message # 85 |
Posts: 11464
Quote (sodr2) AND YOU'RE THE ONE WHO MENTIONED PRAYING FOR THE DEAD!!!!!!!!! no praying TO the dead
EmSeeD |
Date: Tuesday, 07/Apr/09, 0:42 AM | Message # 86 |
Posts: 11464
Quote (sodr2) WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?????????????????????????????????? the reason why he was here
s0dr2 |
Date: Tuesday, 07/Apr/09, 2:46 AM | Message # 87 |
Posts: 2772
i have an essay due tomorrow..... lets come to terms ....ill debate later
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
ill |
Date: Tuesday, 07/Apr/09, 11:17 AM | Message # 88 |
Posts: 2087
sodr why do you believe the bible, like why did you originaly believe it was real
The World Is Yours
Menace |
Date: Tuesday, 07/Apr/09, 11:27 AM | Message # 89 |
Posts: 6764
in the bible specifically states don't kneel and pray to images even if those images are whit Jesus or others the people who wrote the bible understood that IDOLATRY is the main base of all pagan religions it state that you don't pray to any thing that is in heaven above implying even if God himself is pictured in that image you don't pray to it cause its just an IMAGE the definition of idolatry is the religious worship of idols of different specters when you see my grand momma kneeling down and praying in front of an image of a saint and saying please help me then thats IDOLATRY