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Evidence For God?
s0dr2 Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 10:41 AM | Message # 121

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (Joker13)
this but we have science now so there is no point of it anymore

then why would they say do not commit adultery? and what about the 1st commandment of not worshiping other gods? it seems to me that a god was the one who wrote it and was aware of other gods... can you think of another religion that says not to worship other gods?

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Menace Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 11:29 AM | Message # 122

Posts: 6764
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Quote (sodr2)
That would not make it more valid, but the authors of the Bible did not know each other. It was written in different languages and again, throughout several centuries (

that actually makes the bible not valid because having authors putting and putting and putting each century the works become diluted it's basic literature the author or authors must focus together on it so it can become strong literature the bible is a perfect example of diluted literature

s0dr2 Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 12:35 PM | Message # 123

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (Menace)
that actually makes the bible not valid because having authors putting and putting and putting each century the works become diluted it's basic literature the author or authors must focus together on it so it can become strong literature the bible is a perfect example of diluted literature

diluted? doesnt seem that way to me... besides, if the authors were supposedly inspired by God, then it cant be diluted

and the Bible isnt for reading pleasure, its supposed to be a revelation from God... maybe the authors of the quran ccame together to try and make strong literature with its "scientific discoveries" and a heaven of worldly pleasures

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

eboyd Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 12:52 PM | Message # 124

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (sodr2)
But in the end... they are both dead... so what's the point of living life to the fullest?

And I thought us atheists were supposed to be the pessimists! Lol!

No bro, that's not how it works. If you look at the world in a positive way, like most of us do, you realize that you only have one life to live and one chance to make your mark on the world and if you don't do it now you will never get another chance. It's sort of the same idea of Eminem's song "Lose Yourself", as corny as that sounds. I actually wrote a poem about this. It's posted on the site somewhere. I'll have to find it and share it here.

Quote (sodr2)
That would not make it more valid, but the authors of the Bible did not know each other. It was written in different languages and again, throughout several centuries (I'm not saying this makes the Bible true, but rather more valid than the Koran for ex). If a book that has been passed down in a family claiming a flying spaghetti monster existed, someone would speak out and claim that it is nonsense.

You apparently still don't get it. Alright, here's a better analogy. Say I'm a linguistic scholar and archaeologists find one of the books of this ancient anthology that turns out to be a holy book for an ancient monotheistic religion that we have never heard of before. Let's say that we find that this book, which is written in a language older than ancient Sumerian and the book itself is carbon dated to 15,000 BC, is found to be the first of many books within this anthology. A few months later archaelogists find another book about 1,000 miles away that is written in a different language and dated back to 10,000 BC, 5,000 years later, and we find that it is the second book in this anthology. Months pass, even years, and we find more and more books and fill in holes within the stories and we find that the creation of this religion spanned over a period of 12,000 years, the last bit of which is written in 3,000 BC, 1,000 years before the first drafts we have found of the OT were written. Let's also say that this religion contains 99 different books written by 299 different authors in 19 different languages. Finally, the collection of these books arrives at my office and I spend years deciphering it and it speaks of a God who created a dot in the beginning and it exploded and created everything and he just let it form on it's own over time, only coming back to make his own adjustments occasionally. However, as we read on further, the book discusses this God's jealousy, not by actually saying he is a jealous God but by identifying people who didn't believe in God and others who believed in different Gods, and saying that his chosen people are to take burning sticks and gouge the blasphemers' and nonbelievers' eyes out and make them live the rest of their lives blind because it was apparent that their inability to see God was caused by their eyes malfunctioning. Later in the anthology, their God, who is perfect in every sense and loves his people, decides that he wants to free his people of his ancient laws, so he erects himself in physical form (oh yeah, I forgot to mention, he is supernatural and his body is nonphysical, invisible and omnipresent) as the Sun, which is born in the morning on the first winter solstice with the three kings of the outer skies and speaks with wisdom to the people of his land. He was born after making the virgin mother earth pregnant with him and being born of her. Many years later, however, people begin getting upset because this new man in the sky who gives them light is claiming to be a physical form of God, but their God, as their scriptures tell them, is nonphysical, so Anseht, the human hero and messiah, calls upon the warriors of the sky to kill this blasphemer. They successfully kill him just before the spring equinox by forcing him unto the crux in the sky and they bury him the next day. He is arisen three days later and born again, but his spirit leaves his body and ascends back to the heavens to rule over earth and the outside universe that revolves around it for the rest of eternity, but his body remains as a reminder that he exists and loves us, for he provides us light (everything was dark before he arrived in our skies) and heat and makes it possible for us to grow crops. Archaeologists continue searching and find that some of the people and things mentioned in the anthology may actually be independently varifiable regardless of the lavish and impossible claims that otherwise make up this book, but still no one has mentioned the book or any of this because this is a private scientific team and they want to find everything before letting people know about it. So I read on in the book and find that it seems to be finished for some reason or another just by the physical make up of the books and the language used, however, the story itself seems unfinished. What I do is, rather than giving my translated version of the book to the scientific community, I write a short add on to the book, lock it away in an indestructable bin that is set to open 1,000 years later on it's own and hide it somewhere where no one will find it for many centuries. What I write is based on what I truly believe but have no evidence to back it up and I have added a lot of fiction that I know is not true as well. I say that after the Sun is killed, he makes a promise to re-inhabit his old body and suck the earth in and burn it and all the nonbelievers and sinners will rest inside of his burning stomach forever and the true followers will ascend to the heavens to be in paradise forever and that this is proven because the earth is drawing closer to the Sun already every single year, even though it is just slightly. So I hide my book and 750 years later they find it and cannot open it. One day, exactly 1,000 years later, it opens on it's own -- a sign from God according to them. They open it and find that it is the missing piece of their holy book that they had been searching for since 500 years prior. Everyone cheers and almost unanimously it converts everyone to instant believers in this God (except of course those of us who are logical and already nonbelievers).

Does this long ass story I mentioned make this book any more valid than the bible? Afterall, it is older, it's writings span over a longer period of time, it has more writers who wrote it in more languages, and it has more historically verifiable records, including that we can still see the body of our God in the sky, and Christians can't, plus, our God is just as loving if not more so than the Christian God. However, I am obviously a blabbering idiot and I was able to get away with becoming the messiah that wrote the final book (of course I put my name on it as that I wrote it, or at least a pseudonym. I want the credit) and passed it off as true, even though all I did was used my slanted ideology of the findings of modern science (the heat death theory) and passed it off as my theology and made my book appear to humanity in a really cool way, so they believed me even though all of us know that, at least my portion, was a crock of shit and that it is quite possible that all of the sections written by others in the past were written just the same as my portion. That still wouldn't be more valid than the bible or the Koran whereas a scientific book written in 5 years by one man done with proper research, correctly cited and peer reviewed would be more valid than any holy book. And ftr, the references to science in the Koran are closer to the truth than those found in the bible (ie: the Koran references what seems to be a big bang and expanding universe, life coming from non-life in the water, etc.).

Oh, and for anyone looking to follow my religion that I mentioned above, the God's name is Jarvis and the religion is Jarvicism :D

Quote (sodr2)
Btw, what do you think was the intent of the authors of the Bible? To answer unanswered questions or for brainwashing/evil intentions?

The bible is complex and by what I have seen, there is no solidified intent of it's writers. They all seem to have a different motive as well as those that have (mis)translated it. It seems to me, however, that the overall intent of the OT is far more malicious than the NT and that is why I rank Christianity higher than Judaism on my moral scale. I also think there is an overall intent of almost all religions to indoctrinate because they all seem to have this "follow my religion and be rewarded, or else you will be punished" ideology, on the exception of a few (namely Buddhism and Jainism) and so I think that is an example of religions being created as a brainwashing device, but that is only a small portion of a religion anyways.

Quote (sodr2)
then why would they say do not commit adultery? and what about the 1st commandment of not worshiping other gods? it seems to me that a god was the one who wrote it and was aware of other gods... can you think of another religion that says not to worship other gods?

Yeah, I can actually. Just about every other religion in the history of mankind. That proves only further my theory of religious indoctrination as posted above.

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s0dr2 Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 12:53 PM | Message # 125

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (Joker13)
well im not the smartest guy here but i'll try to explain it i think it was at that time there were many different religions so emperor Constantine was trying to put his whole nation under one religion

i was talking about the 10 commandments, thats thousands of years before constantine...

ill have to read eboyds new religion in a moment

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Message edited by sodr2 - Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 12:58 PM
s0dr2 Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 12:58 PM | Message # 126

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (Joker13)
you do know theres more then ten commandments..

you do know i was talking about the 10 commandments

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Menace Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 1:12 PM | Message # 127

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Quote (sodr2)

diluted? doesnt seem that way to me... besides, if the authors were supposedly inspired by God, then it cant be diluted

this is circular reasoning if it's supposedly by God then it's true even if it's literally diluted and logically , historically and rationally cracked

eboyd Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 1:55 PM | Message # 128

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Lol! 8, you should read about Jarvicism (the religion I made up on the last past). I think you will be instantly converted rofl

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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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s0dr2 Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 2:17 PM | Message # 129

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (8Diagrams)
Well, I'd say it's better than our current religions :D

if a religion were to be true, it would be the older religions

but i still cant say anything, i didnt read about Jarvicism lol

no google results

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Menace Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 2:25 PM | Message # 130

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Quote (sodr2)
if a religion were to be true, it would be the older religions

why ?? what is old is not inherently better in fact in matters of religion what is old is weak because you rely on ancient peoples opinions ancient people didn't understand natural phenomenas ancient people thought slavery is good or stoning people is good ancient people were ANCIENT and even morally you can't rely on Ancient peoples opinions

eboyd Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 2:39 PM | Message # 131

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
ESPECIALLY morally you cannot rely on them, and sodr, you won't find Jarvicism on Google results unless it links back to the last page of this thread because it is something I made up, but if this theoretical religion were to be real the way I described it, by your logic, it would be superior to Christianity on all accounts even though I know for a fact that at least the portion of it at the end that I said that I wrote was a crock of shit even though the hypothesis I presented for the Jarvis revelation was based somewhat on science. That was the point of the post. It was to show that your logic on which you base why Christianity is superior to all other religions is false. And as Menace said, your circular logic crumbles quickly when you try to justify many different writers writing one book because you must presuppose a God who is only provable through said writings in order to make their work more comprehensive and correct than those of other religions.

Theological logic fails every time. I have yet to hear a good logical argument from a theologian that wasn't debunked later, whereas apologists usually try debunking atheists but find out later that their facts were corrupt and they in turn get debunked as well. On the other hand, Epicurus made a logical refutation of God which you as well tried to refute and it has stood now for almost 2,500 years unrefuted. No one has been able to come up with a reasonable counter argument.

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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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EmSeeD Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 2:52 PM | Message # 132

Posts: 11464
Reputation: 8
Quote (eboyd)
No, they proved (if true) that many traditional beliefs based on Jesus were really just tradition carried on from past religion or paganism and considered to be fact in the case of Jesus. And actually many of them are logically possible and/or even likely to be true. For example, Pagans celebrated the winter solstice on or around what we now know as Christmas. Part of that tradition came from past religions including Ancient Egyptian Religion who celebrated Horus' birthday on the solstice as well. Because the Pagans celebrated it, Rome decided to mandate that December 25th be considered Christ's birthday because it would make it an easy transition from one religion to another. And btw, there is absolutely zero proof for the existence of Jesus Christ's existence just as there is none for God's or any of the major "historical" events in the bible and the earliest accounts of Christ, as the page you posted notes, came from people who wrote about him 90+ years after he died, therefore having had no first hand experience of his existence whatsoever. I am open to the possibility of his existence and I claim a position of neutral agnosticism on the existence of Jesus, but his divinity is 100% out of the question imo even if he existed.

Quote (eboyd)
who wrote about him 90+ years after he died,

if you got that from the link, well those weren't the dates for when they were written the dates were saying when the writers lived to and most of them died 90 years after.

most scholars say the dates of the gospels range from 63-110 AD, the earliest piece of these gospels found though was dated at 125 AD, the gospel of John which is traditionally supposed to have been the last of the four to be written.

s0dr2 Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 5:33 PM | Message # 133

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (eboyd)
Say I'm a linguistic scholar and archaeologists find one of the books of this ancient anthology that turns out to be a holy book for an ancient monotheistic religion that we have never heard of before. . . . . . . . So I hide my book and 750 years later they find it and cannot open it. One day, exactly 1,000 years later, it opens on it's own -- a sign from God according to them. They open it and find that it is the missing piece of their holy book that they had been searching for since 500 years prior. Everyone cheers and almost unanimously it converts everyone to instant believers in this God (except of course those of us who are logical and already nonbelievers).

Let me tell you why Jarvis is not a true god: if he did "decide that he wants to free his people of his ancient laws," and went through all that trouble, then his religion would still be in existence. He would still have people worshiping him, but in this case, his actions were done in vain. What kind of a god is that? Why do you think people these days do not worship the Egyptian or Greek gods? Because they are obviously... false.

But I see where you're coming from about the Bible having several authors, books, etc. doesn't make it more valid than other holy books... uhh... But my problem is...

Are you telling me that all these people (who most likely did exist) who pointed to the Christian god were deliberately lying about them receiving messages from God? And not only them, but the Christians who came after Christ who supposedly experienced miracles (that go flat out against the laws of nature) and recorded them down... they were lying as well?

For eg. I probably showed you this (not sure), but in 975 A.D. there was a miracle in Egypt, you can read about it here:

One eye witness was a Christian bishop who wrote his account in this book (here's the actual account, scroll to 142). This Christian bishop was lying?

Why would all these people from hundreds of years before Christ, up to this day (yes, up to this day) be lying?

Added (31/Oct/09, 5:28 Pm)

Quote (Joker13)
i gues no one wnats to join me in stoning witches this Halloween :(

your avatar is very tempting, please change it lol

Added (31/Oct/09, 5:33 Pm)
Btw, if you don't care to read all that long text, basically a mountain moved. lol, this isn't meant to convince anyone anyways.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Menace Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 5:38 PM | Message # 134

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Quote (sodr2)
Are you telling me that all these people (who most likely did exist) who pointed to the Christian god were deliberately lying about them receiving messages from God? And not only them, but the Christians who came after Christ who supposedly experienced miracles (that go flat out against the laws of nature) and recorded them down... they were lying as well?

what kind of fucked analogy is that ?? so if my kid and his kid and his kid and his kid and his kid talks about the same shit generation after generation then that shit is true no ?? ever heard of myths handed down generation by generation ?? Zoroastrianism the first monotheistic religion still resists today so then this 4000 year old monotheistic religion is lying ? and take into notice the only man in the bible that archeologist's and historians SPECULATE that existed is Jesus rest of the prophets in Christianity have no historical basis in fact Moses describes Ramses II as pharaoh in the exodus but the exodus as described in the bible is not set in the actual reign of Ramses II this shows how diluted the bible is because it has so many authors pieces don't actually fit

eboyd Date: Saturday, 31/Oct/09, 6:28 PM | Message # 135

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (sodr2)
Let me tell you why Jarvis is not a true god: if he did "decide that he wants to free his people of his ancient laws," and went through all that trouble, then his religion would still be in existence. He would still have people worshiping him, but in this case, his actions were done in vain. What kind of a god is that? Why do you think people these days do not worship the Egyptian or Greek gods? Because they are obviously... false.

You are apparently having trouble with avoiding applying reality to a theoretical religion. In reality, you are correct. No one believes in this religion. However, in this theoretical story, it was a religion that, for some reason in history had been lost, maybe because the scriptures had been lost in a great natural disaster. So 1,000 years after our time, the religion itself, when it is revealed to the people, becomes the world's most prominent religion. That completely debunks your claim.

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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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