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Forum » Knowledge » General/Misc. News » #occupy (#wallstreet #occupywallstreet)
ilikebacon3000 Date: Monday, 03/Oct/11, 10:20 PM | Message # 1

Posts: 3979
Reputation: 1
What do you guys think of the whole #occupywallstreet movement?
An intro.

I'm fairly pissed off. Some of the shit I'm seeing is enraging me. The police. The shit they are doing.

Listen to this song while watching some Occupy Wall Street footage..... Police story by BlackFlag. Not the original either, couldn't find it on youtube. Yes, Ice-T is singing. THE Ice-T. "NOTHING I DO, NOTHING I SAY, I TELL EM TO GO GET FUCKED!!! THEY PUT ME AWAY."

Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.
ilikebacon3000 Date: Monday, 03/Oct/11, 10:28 PM | Message # 2

Posts: 3979
Reputation: 1
That first vid is corny but I feel like it represents it all as a whole.

Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.
Lord_Meth Date: Monday, 03/Oct/11, 11:32 PM | Message # 3

Posts: 6627
Reputation: 1
I read something on the net and it said that Lupe Fiasco and Immortal Technique were there.
How I would enjoy seeing IT getting thrown to the ground in the name of revolution lol

Sick With It
Menace Date: Tuesday, 04/Oct/11, 12:04 PM | Message # 4

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
"Occupations" huh? this whole concept of "OKUPA" is an anarchist concept, this movement in particularly is influenced by the European "indignados" movement. This one of their demands http://occupywallst.org/article..... There is talk about occupations through the US. On the 15th there is a call for "European Revolution" here , i hope we can solidarize with you guys. Its extremely fucked up how the mainstream media either ignores the occupations or they criticize them. Its enough, the "Tea Party" played out to the drum of the financial elites and took the grassroots out of the true left wing context , its good to see Americans standing up.

Oh and we can't make any illusions, in all seriousness i hope this sparks some kind of revolution but we all know it will not. The demands of the protestors is "real democracy" i.e. the influence of the Corporations and financial elites to be thrown out from the political arena, so we can have a more populist oriented politics. Even if i don't fully agree as an anarchist with this, i would LOVE to see them accomplish such a thing. It could be another historical step towards greater democracy and freedom.

eboyd Date: Tuesday, 04/Oct/11, 3:14 PM | Message # 5

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (Lord_Meth)
I read something on the net and it said that Lupe Fiasco and Immortal Technique were there.
How I would enjoy seeing IT getting thrown to the ground in the name of revolution lol

stfu and go away

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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Treach Date: Tuesday, 04/Oct/11, 5:22 PM | Message # 6

Posts: 1339
Reputation: 2
i think it's great the people are doing something but it probably wont change anything

"We took pride in intellect and skill
Now you gotta have some sex appeal to get a record deal"
ilikebacon3000 Date: Tuesday, 04/Oct/11, 5:49 PM | Message # 7

Posts: 3979
Reputation: 1
occupations are taking place around the country here menace.. idk if it just hasn't hit world news yet but there are occupations in every big city going on. LA, Dallas, Baltimore, I've read rumors of Chicago, even my town Oklahoma City, only a medium city, has a group doing it.
Some people are even doing it on smaller scales, occupying college campuses. i live in a college area and so maybe they will get together and do it here.

how fucked up is this though...

Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.
Lord_Meth Date: Tuesday, 04/Oct/11, 6:49 PM | Message # 8

Posts: 6627
Reputation: 1
Quote (eboyd)
stfu and go away

LOL! And ur mad why?
People are getting caught in their emotions lately.
Tsk, tsk.

Sick With It
EmSeeD Date: Tuesday, 04/Oct/11, 8:45 PM | Message # 9

Posts: 11464
Reputation: 8
so how the hell do they expect this to work? do they really think a non violent protest is going to make wall street just give up their greed

NtG Date: Tuesday, 04/Oct/11, 10:27 PM | Message # 10

Posts: 4047
Reputation: 0
Quote (EmSeeD)
so how the hell do they expect this to work? do they really think a non violent protest is going to make wall street just give up their greed

good point.

ilikebacon3000 Date: Tuesday, 04/Oct/11, 11:52 PM | Message # 11

Posts: 3979
Reputation: 1
Quote (EmSeeD)
so how the hell do they expect this to work? do they really think a non violent protest is going to make wall street just give up their greed

what i'm sayin, right?

but hey, i was all pissed a few days ago, wanting to fucking burn some shit down, then i realized that it doesn't matter. honestly i'd rather it stay non-violent for a multitude of reasons...
one, it'd be cool 50 years from now to see people studying these non-violent protests and taking them seriously, in hopes of leftists being taken more seriously by the general population. right now, say "anarchist" and people think of Rage Against the Machine, dudes in the middle east with AK47's, russia, nuclear war, communism, and the G20 protests (which accomplished little: it was just a bunch of people breaking shit. it was like a fucking Limp Bizkit video.)
two. it would take a MASSIVE number of people to really make a difference. it would need to be well organized and coordinated. there would need to be websites dedicated to the shit in such large numbers that the powers that be couldn't shut it down overnight. shit like 9/11 doesn't happen in 2 weeks when some dudes decide to blow shit up. it was planned years in advance. with the massive use of the internet, an actual revolution could take place in the course of 2 years, but then again, you would need a massive number of people that are all connected through a common network, like a website or underground mail networks or some shit.
three. mobilization would be too difficult... you couldn't just revolutionize one city. you'd need to take over all of the major strongholds in the country. LA, San fran, DC, NYC, Dallas, Houston, Miami, and seattle just to name a few, and there would need to be MASSIVE resupply efforts, or some way to just go Mad Max on everything and ride through the entire US like some big badass revolutionary biker gang, going from city to city, changing shit.

oh well, I'm ranting. while on the topic of revolution, do you guys think revolution is born out of things like chaos, despair, and shit like that, or order, planning, and some loose form of hierarchy? would there need to be coordinators of each group?

then again, look at this. it was put on by no names, still anon to this day. dudes from 4chan did it actually, no shit. anonymous.

Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.
ilikebacon3000 Date: Wednesday, 05/Oct/11, 0:13 AM | Message # 12

Posts: 3979
Reputation: 1
I have a serious boner for this guy.

Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.
Adam Date: Wednesday, 05/Oct/11, 0:40 AM | Message # 13

Posts: 3793
Reputation: 5
But he supports ron paul....

Either way you look at it people are apathetic and will keep hoarding our problems till the end of time or at least until we have to deal with them. Honestly you think changing wall street and the fiat system will change anything for the better; its not such a far stretch to believe that its to late, and if it is then we have nothing to lose ans might as well do whatever we want until were done.

The saddest thing is all those people will eventually forget about this whole non violent protest soon. Just like when everyone was going nuts over how the war was a bad idea, now hardly no one mentions it with as much spunk.

Menace Date: Wednesday, 05/Oct/11, 9:39 AM | Message # 14

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Iceland 2011, such a movement got the actual government overthrown and a new CONSTITUTION was drafted by huge mass assemblies, the debt was just crapped on and the banks thrown out of the country. Spain 2011, the government went on with economic reforms because they felt pressure from such a movement, the protests are still going on, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Spanish_protests#3_August. The Greek protests http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010%E2%80%932011_Greek_protests are still going on. The Arab Spring is still going on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Spring . I can go on and on with examples from all over the world.

So niggaz please, look at the worldwide picture of it, there is a huge mass upheaval in the world, maybe not such as radical as it was in the 1920's but this is bound to at least change something in the structure of power. As May 68 did all over the world, as the civil rights movement in the same period, reform will come with enough pressure out of this popular wave of upheavals, and reform is better then nothing, any so called "revolutionary" should know that. This is democracy in its truest sense, society can't evolve without such mass movements, its historical dialectics. Its part of the antagonism in our society which is the engine of societal evolution.

eboyd Date: Wednesday, 05/Oct/11, 2:41 PM | Message # 15

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (MethWhore)
LOL! And ur mad why?
People are getting caught in their emotions lately.
Tsk, tsk.

Because of this:

Quote (GaylordMeth)
I read something on the net and it said that Lupe Fiasco and Immortal Technique were there.
How I would enjoy seeing IT getting thrown to the ground in the name of revolution lol

You and your ilk constantly find opportunities to bash established underground artists (in this case Immortal Technique) even when you are in a thread in which their names haven't been mentioned, nor is there any reason to bring them up. Hate on underground artists and go listen to your gay ass pop singers while wearing your pink sweatshirt in the front row of a Beyonce concert all you want, but this bullshit where you guys try your hardest on a website that is named REAL HIP HOP FOREVER, which clearly shows what this website is about, to promote your hipster rap/bubble gum pop singers while at the same time talking nothing but shit about established underground artists and trying to set some sort of new anti-hardcore/serious/intellectual hip hop movement up within our movement, shows me that you are a parasite to this movement. If you want to keep this up, you can leave now. That goes for all of you.

Quote (EmSeeD)
so how the hell do they expect this to work? do they really think a non violent protest is going to make wall street just give up their greed

Are you kidding me??? Non-violent protest has accomplished more in the history of humanity than any other type of political action (government action, violent protests, wars, etc.). Look at Gandhi and his movement in India, the Haymarket Affair (it was considered a remarkably peaceful protest until the cops got involved), the civil rights movement (though there were violent aspects of it, most of it was non-violent), and more recently, the movements in Egypt, Lybia, etc. Sometimes non-violent protest turns into violent uprising, but that is almost always due to government/police brutality.

Quote (ilikebacon3000)
right now, say "anarchist" and people think of Rage Against the Machine, dudes in the middle east with AK47's, russia, nuclear war, communism, and the G20 protests (which accomplished little: it was just a bunch of people breaking shit. it was like a fucking Limp Bizkit video.)

Dude, most of what happened at G20 was very peaceful, and if I recall correctly, that was another example of plain clothes officers dressing up as black blocs and looting to make anarchists and protesters in general look bad. Police officers have actually been caught doing this so this is no conspiracy theory. It's bullshit.

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

battle record:


Forum » Knowledge » General/Misc. News » #occupy (#wallstreet #occupywallstreet)
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