i got 7-8 people ready rip up a beat. it needs to go HARD. a beat that also has longevity, and can hold the weight of so many mcs. these are the people who will be on the track so far
alright, here's a preliminary acappella recording of my verse as well as the lyrics in text. any criticism is appreciated. if you like certain lines and not others, for example, let me know and please tell me why. this will be helpful. i need to make this as dope as possible :
Enter the dragon. I'm everlasting. No rapper comes after me/ I'll deplete your seratonin making your depressed mind atrophy/ You're hearing me telepathically which proves to you my piety/ I make ancient civilizations out of contemporary societies/ Causing anxiety, never putting your mind at ease/ So ill, there's no diagnosis for my disease/ While most emcees are remedial sort of like Hooked on Phonics/ My words move worlds just like plate tectonics/ The master of the sonic universe. No man can eclipse this/ You'd better pause before competing with me like an elipsis/ Like hieroglyphics my supremacy has been known since ancient times/ But far from understood by men with paleolithic minds/ My prolific lines haunt the average psychopath/ Into a state of confusion and maniacal wrath/ So if you wish to battle your attack better not be complacent/ Or you'll be leaving with your face and the side of your waist adjacent/
just so you guys don't have to go back to the last page
i like it. it reminds me of that youtube video, rap battle translated into proper english
is that really a good thing though?? i hope so haha!
btw, Trigger sent me his verse. he only spit 12 bars and i think he was under the impression that it was just going to be me and him on the track, so he spit a pretty dope verse about RHHF an its beginnings. i told him about the other emcees on the track (which i thought i had already done but w/e), showed him my verse and PsioNic's verse, and told him to spit 16, not 12, but keep with the same flow and vocabulary because those aspects of his verse were sick, so we'll see what happens. either way, here's his verse:
To fall asleep I jump off a cliff in a coma Keep the heat knockin, if the beats Gotham Nic is the joker I drop an infinite quota of talk prohibiting quotes so keep your mouth shut with the hits like the cops are sniffing for motives I speak subliminal thoughts and draw attention to my writtens leaving listeners shocked like sonic weapons I'll beat you kids with your blocks and all your friends can run and come and see some bitches get tossed to doggy heaven You want to battle me when you're lying using gassed mics and youll be past tense like youre driving through a camp site feed the fire dude and find abuse to add strife when I blow through words cuz my minds the fuse to match might No ones fucking with us if we trade em dope lines we solid across the track like some railroad ties So call it an autograph, when we gave you those signs of dominance, follow that with your gazing prone eyes Cuz this toxic group of rappers, stopped to prove we rocked the booth to ashes lots of crews get gassed and softly lose their modest tune through passion but excuse me while I throw up, grimace while I spit its not bragging when I say that ive written till im sick
omfg i think i might go into a coma with both of you guys on the track, you guys should have a CAUTION notation before the track start lol ....
lol. btw, i just thought of an important question that needs to be asked: who is going to master this track down when all the verses come in? my new theme song
"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"
Hip Hop spot, do you want me to add any adlibs or anything or is the verse good the way you heard it When I write these bars power my heart louder so I stay near the pen like guard towers or farm plowers
i think it sounds fine, but then again i haven't heard it on beat yet, so i can't say for sure. i'd have to hear it on beat first. speaking of which, here's mine:
been so busy at work lately i hardly have any time to be on here any more. i'll try to have my verse done by tomorrow, its 9pm here and just got home not long ago. i'd written some stuff before but the style isn't really my style so i was finding it hard to get an idea of what to write about, but i think i've got it now http://chirbit.com/emseed http://youtube.com/siwooot