The dream thread
Greeny |
Date: Friday, 18/Nov/11, 7:52 AM | Message # 91 |
Posts: 1031
Quote (EmSeeD) i was walking down the street and kept finding these huge ecstasy pills on the ground, i was putting them in my pocket, don't remember much else This reminds me of a dream I had as a kid. I dreamt there were beans filled with buggers in my nose and I struggled with getting them out, but there just kept coming more and more. Not sure why that reminded me of it...
Date: Sunday, 20/Nov/11, 2:05 AM | Message # 92 |
Posts: 23
I had this weird dream were my mother was dating DJ Premier and I got into an argument and a close fist fight with P Diddy?
road2dariches |
Date: Thursday, 08/Dec/11, 6:17 AM | Message # 93 |
Posts: 29
I had this dream as a child about 5yrs old living in Manly (Brisbane) I can't recall the whole dream but i remember watching Two tall objects falling to the ground with people running and screaming. I woke up the next day in a panic i was sweating from head to toe, i went crying too my parents who told me it was just a dream and that it wouldn't happen again But, when i slept that night i had the same dream this same dream kept happening till i was 10yrs old. I don't know if this dream mean't anything i just thought it was scary as a kid.
EmSeeD |
Date: Wednesday, 22/Feb/12, 2:40 AM | Message # 94 |
Posts: 11464
Last week I had two weird dreams
1. I was fighting with my aunty and grandmother, anyway next thing, while i'm punching my aunty (who is a bitch), she ends up becoming this rugby league player Wendal Sailor (things in dreams just change forms etc without you realizing). Anyway he's laughing at me as I'm trying to punch him coz my punches in the dream are weak, he says "you can never hurt me", I get up and try to bash his skull, he just laughs as I hit him saying "you can never crack my skull", so I get a wrench and start hitting this top of his skull with it, it starts cracking, his flesh from his head disappears and its just a skull and I'm still hitting it in anger, next thing the skull starts cracking and I'm thinking "oh shit this is bad, I've gone too far". I try to put pieces of the skull back together but it only makes it crumble even more, I put it back on a shelf, its just a skull and its as if it had never actually been on a body, its just a dry skull and as I put it back on the shelf it starts crumbling even more and I think oh shit I'm going to get into trouble for this, and a song is playing in my head going "this is bad.....bad....this is bad.....bad...."
2. in the dream my Dad made me some bacon sandwiches, next thing I'm in somebody's back lawn, and there's a starving dog there, its wanting my bacon sandwich, I can see its ribs etc, so I give it the sandwich, after I feed it, when I look around the whole lawn is filled with starving dogs, I see what looks like a poodle with all its bones showing through its skin, its teeth are showing too, and its lying on a tiny tree in the ground, at first I think its just starving so I think about feeding it another bacon sandwich I have in my hand, but when I look and see its teeth and claws and paws facing upwards, then I realize its actually dead, a whole bunch of starving dogs are in the lawn wanting my bacon sandwiches and I'm thinking 'I can't feed all these damn dogs', anyway I think thats when I woke up
ritesofpasage |
Date: Thursday, 05/Apr/12, 1:44 PM | Message # 95 |
Posts: 222
Does anyone have all there senses in their dreams that they have in real life. In most of my dreams I can see and hear and feel but I never smell or eat anything.
What about ya'll?
Check out my melody faithfulness is the fidelity of my soundtrack to that of the heavenlies.....
s0dr2 |
Date: Thursday, 05/Apr/12, 5:17 PM | Message # 96 |
Posts: 2772
i had a dream rita abdazi was belly dancing in her youth and she looked pretty and i mentally compared her progress of aging
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Greeny |
Date: Thursday, 05/Apr/12, 5:23 PM | Message # 97 |
Posts: 1031
It varies. Though I usually don't smell, taste or even think logically when dreaming, I have often done so.
Anyone seen the episode of Star Trek: Next Generation where captain Picard lives a whole life in another world and dimension? I had a similar experience when I was a kid and fooled around and thought it'd be funny to have someone momentarily stop my heart from beating. Was out for 5 or so seconds, but in the dream timeline it was like an hour. Had me thinking ...
EmSeeD |
Date: Friday, 06/Apr/12, 6:04 AM | Message # 98 |
Posts: 11464
Quote (ritesofpasage) Does anyone have all there senses in their dreams that they have in real life. In most of my dreams I can see and hear and feel but I never smell or eat anything.
sometimes I think I have my senses like touch etc, but often there's something stopping me from touching something
A couple days ago I had a weird as dream, the first positive dream I've had in a long time
I dreamt I was in my old back yard, and there was a giant egg there, I was working and I was filling the cracks in the egg with this no more gaps stuff, which is a gluey type of thing. There was an asian guy next to me who was doing the same thing and his boss was watching him, his boss had an old sensei type of voice and hew as giving the asian guy shit, telling him he was doing it wrong, then the boss grabbed some of the no more gaps glue in his hand and started rubbing it all over the asian guys face, rubbing it over his mouth and saying 'no you're doing it wrong' in a kind of old kung fu master type of way. I looked at the boss and say 'hey you can't do that'. Then for some reason I realized I had to listen to him too, I was filling the cracks in the egg and the old boss grabbed a paint can and started pressing it down on my knuckles as i was filling the cracks. But I was stubborn and determined to keep doing my job and acted like it didn't hurt me and that pissed the boss off, so no matter how hard he pressed I kept going. Then I thought to myself, wait a minuite, why the fuck did I put this giant egg here in my backyard in the first place? Then this green goo started to bubble out of the cracks in the eggs and I thought to myself, "oh shit wtf have I done now? Wtf did I put in that egg??? Then I ran back, and when I turned around, All these tall skinny tree's started to shoot up and suddenly there were all these tree's shooting up like fireworks, and they had all these red berries in them, the red berries appeared in the tree's like when fire works burst in the sky and me and my friends were in my back yard showing "WOOOHOOOOOOO" and I remember feeling really happy. The berries looked really juicy, my grandmother told me to hurry up and pick them, I touched them but didn't pick them. One of the trees in my backyard was covered in christmas lights which I thought was odd. Then a neighbour turns up and tells me we should take away the plug for the christmas lights that were on the tree, and put them somewhere else (i can't remember where now). I was then on the porth and my grandfather came out and had a look at the berries, he said 'no its not ready to pick yet, see they're not ripe', and when I looked at the berries again they were sagging, but he said that they would become ripe again and be ready to pick
Treach |
Date: Friday, 06/Apr/12, 10:56 AM | Message # 99 |
Posts: 1339
that is awesome. you got some crazy ass dreams man
"We took pride in intellect and skill Now you gotta have some sex appeal to get a record deal" - K-RINO
Treach |
Date: Friday, 06/Apr/12, 10:57 AM | Message # 100 |
Posts: 1339
Quote (Greeny) Was out for 5 or so seconds, but in the dream timeline it was like an hour. Had me thinking ... what did you see tho??
"We took pride in intellect and skill Now you gotta have some sex appeal to get a record deal" - K-RINO
Greeny |
Date: Friday, 06/Apr/12, 4:57 PM | Message # 101 |
Posts: 1031
Quote (Treach) what did you see tho?? Can't remember really, just remember it felt great and things were bright and cheerful and I was throwing up rainbows from unicorns and was very happy and I was disappointed getting back to this world. Almost pissed my pants. All muscles were relaxed. Ultimate high: Dying.