The dream thread
EmSeeD |
Date: Friday, 05/Nov/10, 6:52 AM | Message # 76 |
Posts: 11464
earlier this week i had chocolate not long before i went to bed so that means i was gonna have nighmares anyway i had a bunch of weird dreams that were interesting but i forgot most of them, but one dream i did remember was, i dreamt this guy was fucking this chick through the back of her throat, at first i saw his dickhead coming out through her mouth and was like wtf how can his dick be coming out through her mouth, then saw she had some kind of bad scar on the back of her neck which meant she had a small hole in the back of her neck, the guy was fucking her through that hole and his dick was coming out through the front of her mouth. i woke up turned to the other side and slept on that side to have some different dreams
Treach |
Date: Friday, 05/Nov/10, 9:49 AM | Message # 77 |
Posts: 1339
"We took pride in intellect and skill Now you gotta have some sex appeal to get a record deal" - K-RINO
EmSeeD |
Date: Wednesday, 17/Nov/10, 11:30 PM | Message # 78 |
Posts: 11464
had another crazy ass dream 1st dream: i was walking up a street not far from my house, i see a woman walking with three black poodles in front of her, i don't think any of them had leashes, the poodle had the back may have had half a leash, anyway i'm looking at these three black poodles running towards me thinking wtf, why are there three black poodles and why are they just running like that toward me, next thing this lady jumps out of the bushes and goes "BOO!" and scares the hell out of me and i woke up, she was wearing a black beanie and had face paint on like an All Blacks Rugby supporter would wear. 2nd dream, (another one to do with a dog): i'm at some fancy place, there's this huge as light brown dog, idk what the name for the dog is but it was fuckin huge and scary, anyway it starts running around the mainsion freely barking and growling, it looks at me and growls at me, i'm thinking wtf this dog is gonna attack me why won't someone do something where the hell is its owner, it growls but never actually does anything. Next thing its owner Suge Knight comes along and starts talking to the dog like you would a baby or maybe puppy, he picks up the huge dog and carries it in his arms and then starts kissing the dog, whats disgusting is he then starting giving the dog tongue. I say to him man thats fuckin disgusting, he says to me "well i'm a man and this is the best tongue kiss i've ever gotten". Anyway i walk out of there next thing i'm on the street of my grandmothers house and for some reason i now have the damn dog and i'm walking it down the street, the dog is now more of a white and brown color, and then i actually pick up the dog like you would a baby and carry it down the street. i'm walking it down the street and then next thing instead of a dog i'm walking along side a boy, this boy has ginger hair, he's a weird kid. something in my head says this guy is a suspected serial killer and the reason i'm walking with him is because i'm supposed to become his friend and turn him into more of a normal person by being a friend to him. anyway we're walking down the street and he's saying all these weird things, we walk up the road and i just feel kinda weirded out, so anyway i turn around and go to walk back him, he comes with me and then confesses to me "yes its true i did kill that police officer, i am a killer". i think to myself oh shit i better just act calm and then never see this guy again, so i'm walking home, but i'm worried he's now going to kill me, he's got a little stick in his hand and he's scraping it along the pavement, it snaps. i'm watching this from by looking at his shadow because he's walking behind me, i think to myself "oh phew its just a little stick. next thing i see his shadow reach behind his back he pulls what looked like two bamboo sticks tied together to make one thick bamboo stick, he pulls his arm up and it looks like he's about to hit me, so i quickly run for my life up the road to my grandmothers house. i woke up at that time
Greeny |
Date: Thursday, 18/Nov/10, 5:00 PM | Message # 79 |
Posts: 1031
I can remember two weird dreams in all my life, both nightmares from my childhood, second one repetitive. 1. I'm on the top of a stair, standing outside a door without a wall. Everything is really dark, and monsters are everywhere under me. I was with some friends, but they went in there door and I was left alone. I'm pretty sure it had something to do with my playing Doom all the time. 2. The scariest dream I ever had. It was weird, because I was about 10-11 and I had paternal feelings in this dream. It was on this really rocky beach (don't know english term) with large 'puts' everywhere. I'm there as my father (or me in the future) and my son (which would be me or my future son). My son is just running around and playing, I look away for a moment, and suddenly he's gone, and something indicates that it was a gigantic squid that took him into one of these puts. I run over there and look down in the water, but there is no hope. You know the feeling when you lose your baby sister out of sight in suburbans of a large city. My only phobia is the dark ocean, probably connected with the dream one way or the other. I'm a lucid dreamer, so in when something is leading up to a nightmare, I turn into a hero and of course I kick ass. That reminds me of a short scene of another dream. Wolf like hounds are attacking, and I go out and hunt them the fudge down.
Adam |
Date: Thursday, 18/Nov/10, 7:10 PM | Message # 80 |
Posts: 3793
is it weird that i like only have a dream every other year. I mean I literally only have dreams like twice a year. and its not only becuz i dont remeber them becuz i know when I dream whether i remember them or not.
ilikebacon3000 |
Date: Wednesday, 12/Jan/11, 8:16 AM | Message # 81 |
Posts: 3979
so many reoccuring dreams about someone that's left your life and that you miss... someone that'd you give anything to have back. it's like when I'm awake i've found a way to escape her but she's always somewhere with me, even in my sleep.
Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.
s0dr2 |
Date: Wednesday, 12/Jan/11, 11:41 AM | Message # 82 |
Posts: 2772
:O you listen to the shins?!
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
ilikebacon3000 |
Date: Wednesday, 12/Jan/11, 5:58 PM | Message # 83 |
Posts: 3979
Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.
EmSeeD |
Date: Friday, 28/Jan/11, 5:27 AM | Message # 84 |
Posts: 11464
last night i had a crazy dream but i can't remember all of it now anyway i think it started out i was actually with ilikebacon and someone else, i can't remember what happened but those two turned into two old friends of mine in real life, i won't put their names here though. i think there was a tree house or something, but we were in like a bright white room, everything else was just white, anyway we climbed up it, i went up first, they came up later but something happened and one friend told me to go down and get something for him, as i went down i held on to a piece of wood but the nail started coming out and i was about to fall, but i think they found it funny, anyway i started falling down while the song show me the good life was playing, as i fell down the wood i was holding on to turned into like this string of balloons, except when i looked up, it was actually all these little people singing the chorus of the song and they were all stuck together by different colour bubble gum, it was weird as fuck, the bubble gum was stretching down as i was holding it and it lowered me down to the ground while the little people tied together with bubble gum were singing the chorus. as i went to go out and get something, there was a garage door, the other friend said hey look out, i was trapped and didn't know which way to go, coz it was my other friend who was lowering the garage door to trap me, i could have stayed in a dark room or tried to go out for freedom, i was in two minds, my other friend said to slide out, the one lowering the door said to stay inside, i listened to my other friend and went to slide out to the light but ended up getting caught by the lowering door and it sort of crushed me then i woke up anyway this is the song if you haven't heard it
EmSeeD |
Date: Friday, 25/Mar/11, 0:46 AM | Message # 85 |
Posts: 11464
this week i had a dream that some guy in a devil costume came down from the sky but he was sliding down from a wire, he had red glowing eyes and these long thick red horns, i think he had a brown fury coat too and his face looked like a bull or goat. he told me he wasn't really the devil but just a guy in a devil costume, i calmed down and believed him, i can't remember everything that happened but i remember starting to feel weird coz the devil guy started acting weird, i went to walk away but the devil started stalking me, i started walking faster until i eventually started running. then there was an old friend of mine behind me who was chasing me with a baseball bat, he threw the bat at me but it landed really gently on my back as if he was passing me the bat rather than throwing it, i took the bat from my back and smacked the devil in the face with it. next part i can remember is we're in hell, the devil has some white guy tied to a pole and starts torturing him and i'm just standing there watching, then the devil says he's gonna turn him over and tie his front to the pole so his back will be facing, the devil grabs a ninja star that kinda looks like a batman ninja star, and starts slicing the guys neck. i have no idea who the guy is because his face is facing the pole he's tied down too. the devil ends up doing it wrong and says now he'll have to cut his neck really slowly and the guy is gonna have to feel all the pain. but the thing is even though the guy was feeling all th pain there was no blood and he wasn't dying. i think i woke up after that. 1st dream i remember last night: some birds eating worms from what looked like the carcus of a giant bird, it was like the huge beak of a dead bird 2nd dream i remember last night last night i had a dream where i was at the same old friends how, we had some kind of masks, there was another person on a couch across from me who put the mask over their face but it was like just cardboard, they folded the cardboard in the shape of a funnel that covered their face. we were drinking beer and i decided to roll up a ball of paper and throw it into the funnel as a joke, i went to throw it, then my friends next to me quickly threw some small paper balls but they missed. i threw a big paper ball and it went into the funnel and landed on them. the person took off the cardboard and it was some hot blonde chick and she got really pissed off at me, she started yelling at me about how it wasn't funny and saying all this harsh shit, i tried to say something back but she kept yelling and saying i was gonna die soon and that i'm going bald lol. i looked at my friends asking them wtf was that about, this guy next to me who i don't know and have never met, (in the dream i was a friend of my friends), said that they were trying to set me up with the girl and they had told the guy i was some big muscley guy and told her all these lies about me etc and the stuck up bitch was all pissed off lol. i can't remember what happened after that i know i had more dreams last night too but i don't remember them
EmSeeD |
Date: Monday, 15/Aug/11, 4:11 AM | Message # 86 |
Posts: 11464
last week i dreamt i turned into a fly, i still had my normal head but i had the body of a fly. i was flying around then when i saw other flies my face would turn into a vicious fly monster's face with sharp teeth and i was eating the other fly's.
this morning i dreamt me and the friend from the dream in the post above, we were gonna double team? his girl friend hahahaha. i thought it was really weird, she was naked and got on the bed, for some reason we had to wait for her to pleasure herself, like getting ready and we were just sitting there in the dark making sure noone opened the bedroom door. then for some reason some manic tried to force open the door, it was the girls real boyfriend, me and my friend were pressing up against the door so he couldn't come in because he had a sharp knife. eventually i got tired of it and opened the door, i ran out and the boyfriend was a rugby commentator named murray mexted who is a middle aged man, i jumped on his back and tried to twist his neck, me and my friend started bashing his head against a wall and then i started bashing it into a mirror on the wall. thats when i decided to wake up
i've been having some crazy dreams but haven't remembered them like i usually do, i've been having less crazy dreams too which is unusual for me
eboyd |
Date: Monday, 15/Aug/11, 4:19 AM | Message # 87 |
Posts: 13145
hey, that "Show Me The Good Life" video is the one i posted to YT
my new theme song
"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"
-T.S. Eliot
battle record:
eboyd |
Date: Monday, 15/Aug/11, 4:21 AM | Message # 88 |
Posts: 13145
btw, i had a dream that i boned Adam's mom...................... then i woke up with her in my bed. that's the last ugly, fat prostitute with bad breath and a beard that i will ever pay for sex. if one offers it for free, however, i might do it again.
my new theme song
"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"
-T.S. Eliot
battle record:
ilikebacon3000 |
Date: Monday, 15/Aug/11, 4:35 AM | Message # 89 |
Posts: 3979
Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.
EmSeeD |
Date: Thursday, 17/Nov/11, 7:03 PM | Message # 90 |
Posts: 11464
i remember two dreams
1. i was walking down the street and kept finding these huge ecstasy pills on the ground, i was putting them in my pocket, don't remember much else
2. there were two rats biting my hand while i was sleeping, the pain felt real, i was trying to slam one off but the rat wouldn't let go of my hand, so i grabbed the rats head, pulled it back and broke its neck, i pulled its head so far back i actually pulled its whole spine and ribs out of its body, then i did the same with the other rat, one rat was a big dark grey one, and the other rat was a small white and brown or black one, i was looking at their dead bodies and they looked like mutants with these weird ribs sticking out of their bodies, i woke up later thinking whew it was only a dream, thank god