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Forum » Off-Topic » Sports & Entertainment » Americans are NOT stupid
Americans are NOT stupid
Menace Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 12:50 PM | Message # 1

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0

NtG Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 1:34 PM | Message # 2

Posts: 4047
Reputation: 0
i didnt know any of those questions, this is the dumbest video ever. I guess Americans are stupid because they have other things to do rather than study politics and geography. Anyway, they probably interview about 100-200 people, and only put the parts with wrong answers in to use as propaganda.

Menace Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 1:58 PM | Message # 3

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Oh come on these are common sense questions . Duh ! talk about the US educational system . Plus this is purely entertainment . How many kidneys a person has ? or what is a Mosque ? LOL COME ON !!! :D . You show your sheer ignorance this is pure entertainment if you are dumb enough to put yourself in the same category as those people than we are done .

NtG Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 5:18 PM | Message # 4

Posts: 4047
Reputation: 0
i wouldnt know what a mosque is if my 7th grade teacher didnt insist on teaching us a billion religions in one year. So its not common sense.

NtG Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 5:28 PM | Message # 5

Posts: 4047
Reputation: 0
"In terms of the war on terror, who do you think should be the next country to invade?" is that not an opinionated question? the people who made this video are the ones who are stupid. Thats a teacher asking me which tastes better chicken or turkey, and then telling me my answer is wrong.

"Which state does KFC come from?" the answer he is looking for is obviously kentucky, but who knows, he could have meant where was it founded.

ilikebacon3000 Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 5:32 PM | Message # 6

Posts: 3979
Reputation: 1
Quote (NtG)
Anyway, they probably interview about 100-200 people, and only put the parts with wrong answers in to use as propaganda.


I knew most of these however.
I didn't know what collateral damage is, but I'm guessing it's like a mutual destruction clause sort of? Like you fuck someone, and they have the right to go back and be like "Well, you fucked me up so now I get to fuck you up."

and there was one other I didn't know but I forgot...

Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.
NtG Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 5:40 PM | Message # 7

Posts: 4047
Reputation: 0
also, when theyre placing pins or whatever on the map, the guy had australia labeled as other countries (France, Iran, North Korea) the people who put pins there were probably like "What the fuck, is THIS guy retarded with his map?" and they most likely wanted to hurry up with the interview so they just went with it. I couldnt tell you which country iran is, but i do know the general location of it.

NtG Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 5:41 PM | Message # 8

Posts: 4047
Reputation: 0
If your entertained by this, then i suggest you watch "The Jersey Shore" every night to get some more entertainment.

J-Breakz Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 5:48 PM | Message # 9

Posts: 2162
Reputation: 0
Quote (ilikebacon3000)
I didn't know what collateral damage is, but I'm guessing it's like a mutual destruction clause sort of? Like you fuck someone, and they have the right to go back and be like "Well, you fucked me up so now I get to fuck you up."

It's damage done to something that wasn't meant to be done. Like if I plan to bomb a country in order to kill all the terrorists, and I bombed the place but also killed a bunch of children... the children I killed would be collateral damage. I remember watching the movie too, it was okay. I can't believe I still remember it.

It's pretty obvious there's a bias in this video but the truth is about... i'd say...80% of ppl ALL OVER the world are pretty damn stupid. The majority of people in this world are sheep, that's why religion, the entertainment machine, and govn't is so appealing.

livin life like some cheesy movie
NtG Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 5:49 PM | Message # 10

Posts: 4047
Reputation: 0
Quote (J-Breakz)
It's pretty obvious there's a bias in this video but the truth is about... i'd say...80% of ppl ALL OVER the world are pretty damn stupid. The majority of people in this world are sheep, that's why religion, the entertainment machine, and govn't is so appealing.


TheWatcher Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 6:08 PM | Message # 11

Posts: 941
Reputation: 0
Quote (NtG)
Which state does KFC come from?" the answer he is looking for is obviously kentucky, but who knows, he could have meant where was it founded.

And obviously Kentucky Fried Chicken was founded in Utah?

I decided to give it a go though (no googling).

Country that starts with a u: Ukraine
Who's in the coalition of the willing?: No clue, U.S.A's friends.
What's the religion of Israel?: Judaism.
What is the religion of Buddhist monks?: I'm going to go out on a limb here and say.. Buddhism?
Who won the Vietnam war?: Vietnam, it depends whether you consider it to be victory or not though but they did defend themselves from the U.S.A.
What is the currency in the United Kingdom: Pounds
Who's Fidel Castro?: Cuba's dictator.
How many sides does a triangle have? Lmao at the answers to this one, 3.
In terms of the war on terror, who do you think should be the next country to invade?: I'm going to go ahead and say Iran, this isn't a right or wrong question though I just don't like them :p
Who is Tony Blair?: The UK's Prime Minister, I don't know whether or not he still is though but he used to be.
Which countries are in the axis of evil?: I don't think that still exists?
Who was the first man on the moon?: Neil Armstrong.
What is a Mosque?: A Muslim's church.
How many kidneys does a person have?: 2
How many world wars have there been?: 2
Which state does KFC come from?: Kentucky
Star Wars is based on a true story. True or False?: TRUE.
What are Hiroshima and Nagasaki famous for?: Getting nuked.
How many Eiffel towers are there in Paris?: 1
What is Al Qaeda?: A Government institution. Or well, a bunch of fundamentalist Muslims with access to a lot of dynamite vests and things like that.
Where was the Berlin wall?: In Berlin..
The language they speak in Latin-America is Latin. True or False? False.

EmSeeD Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 6:19 PM | Message # 12

Posts: 11464
Reputation: 8
oh stop trying to defend them lol, the video is hilarious.

Quote (NtG)
Anyway, they probably interview about 100-200 people, and only put the parts with wrong answers in to use as propaganda.

Quote (NtG)
i didnt know any of those questions,

^ LOL RIGHT, well you'd probably make the video then. i knew the answer to nearly all of those questions without even having to think

Adam Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 6:31 PM | Message # 13

Posts: 3793
Reputation: 5
Tired of this whole america is dumb crap. Damn fes's. This is not fucking sarcasm..OOPS I mean this is not funny. I can showed you a bettered oned. loser <_<

eboyd Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 7:46 PM | Message # 14

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (NtG)
also, when theyre placing pins or whatever on the map, the guy had australia labeled as other countries (France, Iran, North Korea) the people who put pins there were probably like "What the fuck, is THIS guy retarded with his map?" and they most likely wanted to hurry up with the interview so they just went with it. I couldnt tell you which country iran is, but i do know the general location of it.

dude, that was actually the retardo-Americans that placed it on Australia, not the guy.

Quote (J-Breakz)
the truth is about... i'd say...80% of ppl ALL OVER the world are pretty damn stupid.

Quote (J-Breakz)
The majority of people in this world are sheep, that's why religion, the entertainment machine, and govn't is so appealing.


Quote (TheWatcher)
Who won the Vietnam war?: Vietnam, it depends whether you consider it to be victory or not though but they did defend themselves from the U.S.A.

specifically North Vietnam

Quote (TheWatcher)
Who's Fidel Castro?: Cuba's dictator.

ex-dictator. his brother took over because Castro's health is now ailing.

Quote (TheWatcher)
Who is Tony Blair?: The UK's Prime Minister, I don't know whether or not he still is though but he used to be.

yeah, it's ex for him as well. idk who has taken over since. i forgot.

Quote (TheWatcher)
Which countries are in the axis of evil?: I don't think that still exists?

you, like myself, are confusing the Axis of Evil with the Axis. the alliance between Germany, Austria, Japan, etc. during WWII was the Axis. the Axis of Evil is basically a product of the joke that was George Bush's presidency.

Quote (TheWatcher)
Star Wars is based on a true story. True or False?: TRUE.

lol. Ronald Reagan actually named his proposed multi billion (possibly trillion) dollar satellite nuclear space weaponry program"Star Wars" after the movie :D

Quote (TheWatcher)
What is Al Qaeda?: A Government institution. Or well, a bunch of fundamentalist Muslims with access to a lot of dynamite vests and things like that.

it is a loosely defined, non-monolithic group of Islamic terrorists whose primary tactic is to threaten the families of countrymen in order to get them to fight primarily against American troops in countries like Afghanistan and also to send suicide bombers to different locations, telling them it is their Godly destiny and that they will be granted forty virgins in heaven if they fulfill this destiny. they are hardly a force to worry over like our country currently is.

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

battle record:


Menace Date: Monday, 25/Jan/10, 7:56 PM | Message # 15

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Jeez Erik , why some Americans can't simply take a joke ? . I mean Romania is called the asshole of the world literally and i personally don't give a crap about it yes Romanians are dumb yes we are poor so what ? who gives a shit we are the products of our own environment which we are trying to better . I never understood how people can loose their individualism and be attached to such rough national identities .

Forum » Off-Topic » Sports & Entertainment » Americans are NOT stupid