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-The Official Untaught History Thread-
Meth Date: Sunday, 28/Sep/08, 3:16 PM | Message # 1

this is where you go if you feel that something should be known but doesn't get the right light of day.
EmSeeD Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 3:37 AM | Message # 2

Posts: 11464
Reputation: 8
Quote (menace)
the name Islam comes from the arabic word Isa that meens Jesus in arabic when u embrace islam u embrace all prophets and when the end of the world comes and when the Dijall ( Devil , Antichist) comes Isa ( Jesus ) will come and battle him and one thing more i dont know why the abrahamic religions cant get along i mean they came from the same bullshit and they aint that big difference

it all comes down to Jesus claiming to be the son of God and people worshiping him. Thats what the main "no one may get to the father but through me". but i guess you can interpret that quote how you want to. but the main difference is the worship of Jesus

eboyd Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 3:40 AM | Message # 3

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Jesus = Moses = Judah. there, it is settled. now get along damn you!!! lol!

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

battle record:


EmSeeD Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 3:52 AM | Message # 4

Posts: 11464
Reputation: 8

Jesus = Man and God

all other religions:

Jesus = Man and Prophet

but what did Jesus himself claim to be? did he claim to be just a prophet? or did he claim to be the son of God? there are a bunch of arguments about this. some quote the bible saying he didn't others quote it to say he did, but in my mind he clearly claimed to be the son of God.

eboyd Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 10:59 AM | Message # 5

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
man, i was just joking.

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

battle record:


Menace Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 12:26 PM | Message # 6

Posts: 6764
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rare we heard about a black pharaoh or about africans role in building the world its not a theory its a FACT the zulu tribes migrated up north in the nile delta where the set fort the Protodynastic Period of Egypt after arabs migrated into egypt and brought slave labor and seekin the gold and teachins of these ancient people that not only they builded the pyramids they left behind huge cities like Timbuktu and influenced by the great people called Kush a civilization of africans well developed after Protodynastic Period of Egypt came the First dynasty of Egypt after it came the second when egypt was sucked by the arab people or shown that egypt was conquered by the persian empire that set the actual known that the first egyptians where brown arabs and its a doc here on youtube haves 3 parts this the first link the Truth About The Sphinx
The stories that are inscripted in hieroglyphics have been predated tens of thousands of years prior to the stories in the bible. It's in Obadiah, Egypt, and the sad thing is that the White Arabs are trying to sand and smooth out the inscriptions, they don't allow photo taking now once you go there. I wonder why??its strange becuase arabs and middle eastern people are very connected genetically whit africans but i dont know why they dont let the people see them maybe the truth will put in danger not us the people will put in danger our leaders

Menace Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 12:26 PM | Message # 7

Posts: 6764
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Mahatma Gandhi

We heard of this man but we know a little about what he did we know about Martin Luther King Jr. being the father of the non violence peace movement but really he aint Gandhi was the first one to put in work in his home country India tru peace he fought against the British Empire for their indepence i have a alot to say about him but read for your selfs and i have an advice for the people of palestine they should do like the indians in front whit Gandhi did so the western world to see the real truth not the CNN news


Menace Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 12:27 PM | Message # 8

Posts: 6764
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The Irony of the Term Bojangles

Many of you encounter the term Bojangles and immediately associate it with the Ying-Yang Twins, Pitbull and buffoonery. Ironically, the term comes from a man who was well respected and helped end the minstrelsy.
While most other black entertainers entertained the white majority with their stupidity and unintelligible quirks, Bill "Bojangles" Robinson lived his life with virtue and made sure that every man, white or black, respected him. He was a tap dancer and comedian who, along with his own personal demons, had to deal with racism on a daily basis. this is a quote from his Wikipedia page that i found quite interesting:

"Robinson was dogged by lifelong personal demons, enhanced by having to endure the indignities of racism that, despite his great success, still limited his opportunities. A favorite Robinson anecdote is that he seated himself in a restaurant and a customer objected to his presence. When the manager suggested that it might be better if the entertainer left, Robinson smiled and asked, "Have you got a ten dollar bill?" Politely asking to borrow the note for a moment, Robinson added six $10 bills from his own wallet and mixed them up, then extended the seven bills together, adding, "Here, let's see you pick out the colored one." The restaurant manager served Robinson without further delay."

Robinson unfortunately died penniless in 1949, but he lived a very respectable life, and so was respected in death. Ed Sullivan paid for his funeral personally and millions of people lined the streets of Harlem and Brooklyn to watch as he was taken to Cemetery of the Evergreens in Brooklyn to be buried. There later was a statue of him erected in Richmond, VA and there have been several songs, movies, and dances that have paid him homage. long live the REAL Bojangles!!!

For more info on Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, please go to his wikipedia page:


Menace Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 12:27 PM | Message # 9

Posts: 6764
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Untaught History: Saladin (Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb )
Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb known in English as Saladin, was a 12th century Kurd who became Sultan of Egypt and Syria, and a major Muslim political and military leader. At the height of his power, the Ayyubid dynasty, which he founded, ruled over Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Hejaz and Yemen.
Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn was born in the castle of Tikrit, Iraq in 532 AH (1137—1138 AD) and died just after dawn on 27 Safar 589 AH (4 March 1193 AD) in Damascus. He is best-known for uniting and also leading the Muslim armies during the Crusades and recapturing Jerusalem.Despite his fierce struggle against the crusades, Saladin achieved a great reputation in Europe as a chivalrous knight, so much so that there existed by the fourteenth century an epic poem about his exploits, and Dante included him among the virtuous pagan souls in Limbo. Saladin appears in a sympathetic light in Sir Walter Scott's The Talisman (1825). Despite the Crusaders' slaughter when they originally conquered Jerusalem in 1099, Saladin granted amnesty and free passage to all common Catholics and even to the defeated Christian army, as long as they were able to pay the aforementioned ransom (the Greek Orthodox Christians were treated even better, because they often opposed the western Crusaders). An interesting view of Saladin and the world in which he lived is provided by Tariq Ali's novel The Book of Saladin.

Notwithstanding the differences in beliefs, the muslim Saladin was respected by Christian lords, Richard especially. Richard once praised Saladin as a great prince, saying that he was without doubt the greatest and most powerful leader in the Islamic world. Saladin in turn stated that there was not a more honorable Christian lord than Richard. After the treaty, Saladin and Richard sent each other many gifts as tokens of respect, but never met face to face.

In April 1191, a Frankish woman's three month old baby had been stolen from her camp and had been sold on the market. The Franks urged her to approach Saladin herself with her grievance. After Saladin used his own money to buy the child, "he gave it to the mother and she took it; with tears streaming down her face, and hugged it to her breast. The people were watching her and weeping and I (Ibn Shaddad) was standing amongst them. She suckled it for some time and then Saladin ordered a horse to be fetched for her and she went back to camp."

The name Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn means "Righteousness of Faith," and through the ages Saladin has been an inspiration for Muslims in many respects. Modern Muslim rulers have sought to commemorate Saladin through various measures. A governorate centered around Tikrit and Samarra in modern-day Iraq, Salah ad Din Governorate, is named after him, as is Salahaddin University in Arbil. A suburb community of Arbil, Masif Salahaddin, is also named after him.

Few structures associated with Saladin survive within modern cities. Saladin first fortified the Citadel of Cairo (1175 - 1183), which had been a domed pleasure pavilion with a fine view in more peaceful times. In Syria, even the smallest city is centred on a defensible citadel, and Saladin introduced this essential feature to Egypt.

Among the forts he built was Qalaat al-Gindi, a mountaintop fortress and caravanserai in the Sinai. The fortress overlooks a large wadi which was the convergence of several caravan routes that linked Egypt and the Middle East. Inside the structure are a number of large vaulted rooms hewn out of rock, including the remains of shops and a water cistern. A notable archaeological site, it was investigated in 1909 by a French team under Jules Barthoux.

According to the French writer René Grousset,

"It is equally true that his generosity, his piety, devoid of fanaticism, that flower of liberality and courtesy which had been the model of our old chroniclers, won him no less popularity in Frankish Syria than in the lands of Islam".

When German Kaiser Wilhelm the Second went to Syria he laid a wreath at the tomb of Saladin in Damascus with the inscription,

"A Knight without fear or blame who often had to teach his opponents the right way to practice chivalry

Menace Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 12:29 PM | Message # 10

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Ancient African Civilization:
Ancient Civilization did not begin in what we think of as the West. It did not start in Europe, Rome, India, or Asia. Homo Sapiens migrated from Africa to inhabit all the continents except Antarctica, some 200,000 to 100,000 years ago.

Ancient Nubia (Sudan):
Around 5,000 years ago, a rich and powerful nation called the kingdom of Kush (also referred to as ancient Nubia) was a center of culture and military might in Africa. Ancient Nubia had a wealth of natural resources such as gold, ivory, copper, frankincense and ebony but they also produced and traded a variety of goods such as pottery. The Nubians formed the foundation of the Proto-Dravidians, Proto-Elamites, Proto-Mande speakers and West Atlantic people. Their bowmen warriors were known and feared by those who saw them in battles. Ancient Nubia's lands are now part of modern Egypt and Sudan. Its geographic position meant that much of ancient Nubia's development is connected to that of ancient Egypt. In fact, Egypt ruled much of Nubia between 2000 B.C. and 1000 B.C., but when Egypt collapsed into civil war, Nubian kings ruled Egypt from around 800 B.C. to 700 B.C. The Nubians are believed to be the first human race on earth, and most of their customs and traditions were adopted by the ancient Egyptians. To the Greeks, they were known as Ethiopians and Nubia as the land of Punts, i.e. the land of gods.Nubians are the people of northern Sudan and southern Egypt. With a history and traditions which can be traced to the dawn of civilization, the Nubian first settled along the banks of the Nile from Aswan. Along this great river they developed one of the oldest and greatest civilizations in Africa. Until they lost their last kingdom (Christian Nubia) only five centuries back the Nubians remained as the main rivals to the other great African civilization of Egypt.Nubia is the homeland of Africa's earliest black culture with a history which can be traced from 3800 B.C. onward through Nubian monuments and artifacts, as well as written records from Egypt and Rome. In antiquity, Nubia was a land of great natural wealth, of gold mines, ebony, ivory and incense which was always prized by her neighbors. Although Sudan had remained the main homeland of Nubians through their long history, many of their descendants is today's Egypt. But still the majority of Nubians of today are Sudanese. With only a population of slightly above 300,000 they are a minority in both countries. Nevertheless being of African descent they resemble other Sudanese people more than Egyptians.

Nubians in both Sudan and Egypt have suffered a lot from intentional overlooking to their history and culture as well as displacement, relocation due to flooding and inundation of their homeland by dams constructed south of Egypt.

In the 1930s a large proportion of the Nubian villages along the Nile were totally submerged. Some Nubians decided to move north into Egypt. The majority, however, chose to stay in their doomed country, and rebuilt their houses on higher ground above the new shoreline.

During this century the Nubian homeland had been inundated three times, however the 1960 Nubian exodus is the most painful to all Nubians. Following the construction of Aswan High Dam in 1960 the land of Nubia between Aswan in Egypt and the 4th cataract in Sudan (main area of Nubians) was the subject of flooding and inundation. Nubians were displaced and relocated in other areas in both Sudan and Egypt. Great Nubian monuments and historical sites were drowned and lost for good. The monuments of Nubia would have ultimately been lost to the depths of the lake had it not been for the joint effort of 50 countries providing financial contributions and expertise in an effort to save the monuments. Wherever feasible, monuments were dismantled or cut from the rock and reassembled at new sites in Egypt and Sudan. Cemeteries and structures that could not be moved were excavated and recorded in as much detail as possible.

The Nubians lost their ancient homeland in the 1960's, but their culture and heritage remain.

The influx of Arabs to Egypt and Sudan had contributed to the suppression of the Nubian identity following the collapse of the last Nubian kingdom in 1900. A major part of the Nubian population were totally arabized or claimed to be arabs (Jaa'leen-the majority of Northern Sudanese- and some Donglawes in Sudan, Kenuz and Koreskos in Egypt). However all Nubians were converted to Islam, and Arabic language became their main media of communication in addition to their indigenous old Nubian language. The unique characteristic of Nubian is shown in their culture (dress, dances, traditions and music) as well as their indigenous language which is the common feature of all Nubians.

Menace Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 12:29 PM | Message # 11

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
The First Islamic Muezzin was a black african from Ethiopia his name was Bilal ibn Ribah he was chosen personally by prophet Mohammed Bilal being the only non-arabic person that Mohammed gave trust whit all his possessions and his kingdom that gives a more stronger power to Islam in the African diaspora and giving a more historical term to the early african slaves that arrived in the US that were often forced to abandon their traditional religions and convert to Christianity mostly the US african slaves were from west africa that points that the majority of the african slaves were muslims because west africa was a part of the Almoravid empire an empire of moors ( Berber muslims and arabic muslims)

Menace Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 12:29 PM | Message # 12

Posts: 6764
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"Chemistry & the word itself is from Black Egypt. Where would the world be without PAPER & ALPHABET?

Africans gave us both! The words Chemistry/Alchemy are from the word Kam or Khem, the name which the ancient Egyptians called themselves which means BLACK. Africans invented paper and paper-making. Paper was made from payrus, hence the name. Before this, writing was done on stone tablets. The alphabet used by Western Civilization originates from the Black Phoenicians who copied the principles from the Africans from the Nile Valley!"

Menace Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 12:30 PM | Message # 13

Posts: 6764
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The Coca Cola Company Created Fanta Specially For Nazi Germany because nazi germans didnt drink coca cola cause it was a black syrup so they made them Fanta this is a small example of how the corporations supplied the nazi war machine another example is despite the restrictions the IBM company made custom computer like machines for Nazi Germany the machines were used to keep record and to send all Jews and minorities to the death camps like Auschwitz and Dachau.

Menace Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 12:30 PM | Message # 14

Posts: 6764
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The 1968 Olympics Black Power salute is known for the 2 black athletes givin the black power salute but a few know Peter Norman from Australia (left) wears an Olympic Project for Human Rights badge to show his support for the two African- Americans.

Menace Date: Monday, 29/Sep/08, 12:31 PM | Message # 15

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
After World War 2 many war criminals of the Nazi Germany's Third Reich that done atrocities and massacred europe were swept away from judgment and they never been present at the Nuremberg Trials that were held in the city of Nuremberg, Germany, from 1945 to 1949, at the Palace of Justice that seeked prosecution of Major War Criminals of the third reich and their allies the USA after the war swept from prosecution people like one-time Gestapo commander Klaus Barbie, infamously known as "The Butcher of Lyon and many others doctors that were known for their experiments on human beings and scientist that were accused for the London Bombings whit V1 and V2 rockets when NASA was established on July 29, 1958 almost all the NASA crew at that time were scientists of the third reich that were accused for war crimes
