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Was 2pac a Gangsta Rapper?
EmSeeD Date: Wednesday, 10/Feb/10, 9:55 PM | Message # 136

Posts: 11464
Reputation: 8
Quote (abanks47)
but overall saying sub-genres not existing no i have not heard of anyone make that claim accept for alcatraz. but that alone would be proof enough for me that it is not accepted universally.

wouldn't that prove the opposite?

abanks47 Date: Wednesday, 10/Feb/10, 10:33 PM | Message # 137

Posts: 1466
Reputation: 0
Quote (EmSeeD)
wouldn't that prove the opposite?

no, ive come into contact with someone who does not think that, so it is not universally accepted. i also would not think that since i have not met many people in other countries and not sure how they think about music genres and sub-genres


"I Have No Fear Whatsoever of Anybody or Anything" -Malcolm X

“those who consider themselves the most adamant adherents of “real” hip-hop can also be the least knowledgeable.” –Adilifu Nama; an excert from his perception of Nas’s “Genesis”

eboyd Date: Wednesday, 10/Feb/10, 11:27 PM | Message # 138

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
The idea that anything is accepted universally is a myth. That doesn't lend credence to the opinions of the fringe elements. I mean for Christ's sake, there's a flat earth society that exists to this day! There is a huge group that believes the earth is 4,000 years old and an even larger group that denies the existence of evolution. This encourages me though. Makes me want to start a group dedicated to the theory of intelligent falling (as opposed to gravity) rofl

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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abanks47 Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 0:17 AM | Message # 139

Posts: 1466
Reputation: 0
Quote (eboyd)
The idea that anything is accepted universally is a myth. That doesn't lend credence to the opinions of the fringe elements. I mean for Christ's sake, there's a flat earth society that exists to this day! There is a huge group that believes the earth is 4,000 years old and an even larger group that denies the existence of evolution. This encourages me though. Makes me want to start a group dedicated to the theory of intelligent falling (as opposed to gravity) rofl

if thats the case why is it so hard to believe someone is not going with your way of thinking? why do you see it as your purpose to change his opinion on something he clearly feels strong about? if there is no such thing as universal acceptance than i would imagine that the rational thing to expect would be someone not on the same level of thinking as yourself no?

Added (11/Feb/10, 0:17 Am)
i also agree that universal acceptance doesn't exist, i was merely asking for it since apparently it's universally accepted that sub-genres exist.


"I Have No Fear Whatsoever of Anybody or Anything" -Malcolm X

“those who consider themselves the most adamant adherents of “real” hip-hop can also be the least knowledgeable.” –Adilifu Nama; an excert from his perception of Nas’s “Genesis”

ALCATRAZ Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 0:46 AM | Message # 140

Posts: 473
Reputation: 0
Quote (eboyd)
I think it had something to do with the preserved 2pac cock sitting in Alcatraz's basement that he likes to consistently take out of the preservative alcohol and suck on.

For the record, eboyd was the first (and only, out of us two) person to throw an insult in this thread. Just wanted to point that out. Don't take my word for it though, read through the posts and see for yourself.

Me? I stay calm, cool, and collected in every thread I post in. Eboyd can't seem to handle that much. LOL!


"I personally think OBCL2 is better than the original" - Lord Meth

Joker13 Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 0:52 AM | Message # 141

Posts: 391
Reputation: 1
For the record, eboyd was the first (and only, out of us two) person to throw an insult in this thread. Just wanted to point that out. Don't take my word for it though, read through the posts and see for yourself.

Me? I stay calm, cool, and collected in every thread I post in. Eboyd can't seem to handle that much. LOL!


ALCATRAZ Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 3:17 AM | Message # 142

Posts: 473
Reputation: 0
Quote (Joker13)

Quote (eboyd)
you come in and attack everyone

I simply wanted to make the point that it is not me who comes into the thread being "disrespectful". I may not share the same opinion, and I may be smug, but I am not disrespectful. I would never talk about eboyd sucking his favorite rappers dick just to make a point, that's just not how I get down. And every time eboyd and I get into a debate, he loves to lay claim that I was the one who somehow disrespected him first, when all I did was have an opinion different than his. I don't disrespect anyone, I am just very confident when it comes to hip hop knowledge.

"I personally think OBCL2 is better than the original" - Lord Meth

eboyd Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 3:57 AM | Message # 143

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
let's let the history of this thread tell it's tale. as a described before (when i laid claim that ALCATRAZ shows the classic signs of a sociopath on the last page), ALCATRAZ has a very formulaic (and ingenious i might add) way of cheating his way into making himself look good and everyone else look bad in a debate. he starts by throwing little jabs to anger people, but not enough for people to actually remember his insults, and he makes sure that the thread is long enough before he tells people to look back to see who insulted who first to the point where no one cares to look back into it to see the truth of the matter. anyways, he starts with minor insults directed at anyone opposed to his viewpoint, then he turns gears and tries to make himself out to be the greatest everything in the history of the universe, then he turns himself into the victim and makes us all out to be perpetrators and continues to throw minor jabs, but a little bit less frequently. here's what i mean:

You are ignorant.

You are the one who needs a lesson in hip hop knowledge. Step your game up, gramps.

Then what type of rap is it, Menace? Gangsta-Conscious, Spiritual Hood raps? Please sit down.

I gotta set this forum straight, man. I came here expecting elevated debate. What I got was a bunch of pretentious herbs who judge everything as if they created the genre themselves.

You and eboyd threw every shot you could, and I dodged every bullet with knowledge and true understanding of the genre.

How do you think this thread got to 9 pages? It sure as hell wasn't about your video. The thread got poppin once I came in.

Stand up and voice your opinion, or sit down and be quiet.

Thanks for the new sig, eboyd!

"Britney Spears is hip hop to me" - eboyd

Chances are someone will just split the thread again and lead to more of your emotional posts.

WOW. So that's how you guys get down on RHHF, huh? Either agree with the majority or get banned for having a different point of view? If that's the case, then feel free to IP ban me for good. If having an opinion of my own constitutes "flame baiting" then I guess there is nothing I can say about that. But I will admit though, your post made you look like one very emotional dude.

For the record, eboyd was the first (and only, out of us two) person to throw an insult in this thread. Just wanted to point that out. Don't take my word for it though, read through the posts and see for yourself.

Me? I stay calm, cool, and collected in every thread I post in. Eboyd can't seem to handle that much. LOL!

I simply wanted to make the point that it is not me who comes into the thread being "disrespectful". I may not share the same opinion, and I may be smug, but I am not disrespectful. I would never talk about eboyd sucking his favorite rappers dick just to make a point, that's just not how I get down. And every time eboyd and I get into a debate, he loves to lay claim that I was the one who somehow disrespected him first, when all I did was have an opinion different than his. I don't disrespect anyone, I am just very confident when it comes to hip hop knowledge.

and mind you, i went easy. i could have quoted the insults that weren't directed at any specific person, but rather at the group of people who were disagreeing with you, and i could have gone into the other threads that were split where the disrespect began.

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

battle record:


ALCATRAZ Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 5:50 AM | Message # 144

Posts: 473
Reputation: 0
let's let the history of this thread tell it's tale. as a described before (when i laid claim that eboyd shows the classic signs of a sociopath on the last page), eboyd has a very formulaic (and ingenious i might add) way of cheating his way into making himself look good and everyone else look bad in a debate. he starts by throwing little jabs to anger people, but not enough for people to actually remember his insults, and he makes sure that the thread is long enough before he tells people to look back to see who insulted who first to the point where no one cares to look back into it to see the truth of the matter. anyways, he starts with minor insults directed at anyone opposed to his viewpoint, then he turns gears and tries to make himself out to be the greatest everything in the history of the universe, then he turns himself into the victim and makes us all out to be perpetrators and continues to throw minor jabs, but a little bit less frequently. here's what i mean:

Quote (eboyd)
Maybe someone should inform you that emceeing and rapping are not one in the same, oh my Great Lord ALCATRAZ (since you obviously expect our opinion of you to be that high).

Quote (eboyd)
then where oh where would instrumental hip hop (which has no vocals but is most definitely a part of hip hop culture), including turntablism fit oh great omniscient Alcatraz?

Quote (eboyd)
You've been a disrespectful ass since you entered this thread.

Quote (eboyd)
No, it's just a false analogy, like most of the analogies he uses in his arguments.

Quote (eboyd)
Hey pot, the kettle called. Said he wants you to acknowledge that you're black too.

Quote (eboyd)
Oh Great ALCATRAZ, please bestow upon us your infinite wisdom!

Quote (eboyd)
We are not worthy to be in your presence!

Quote (eboyd)
obviously you need to work on your reading comprehension and listening skills.

Quote (eboyd)
Mr. Angel/Messiah Alcatraz, claiming you don't cast judgment is like the Pope claiming he's an atheist.

Quote (eboyd)
I think it had something to do with the preserved 2pac cock sitting in Alcatraz's basement that he likes to consistently take out of the preservative alcohol and suck on.

Quote (eboyd)
Some people have their heads shoved so far up their asses that they need to consult a proctologist to get a haircut.

Quote (eboyd)
stop getting all high and mighty on yourself like you are some savior to our forum

Quote (eboyd)
don't get all happy with yourself like you've actually done something.

Quote (eboyd)
you are truly an egomaniac, possibly even a sociopath, aren't you?

Quote (eboyd)
dude needs to ask his proctologist to help him get his head out of the clouds (among other places that his proctologist is a bit more familiar with).

Quote (eboyd)
anyone in their right mind can easily read the posts and see you've done nothing but instigate

Quote (eboyd)
don't play Mr. Innocent here, we all know your game. you come in and attack everyone, then claim you are some gift from God sent upon RHHF

Quote (eboyd)
those are the classic symptoms of a sociopath.

Quote (eboyd)
he's been quite rude and insulting

LOL, and you haven't? Honestly, I don't want to go back and forth with posting little tid bits to see who disrespected who, but none of my "rude and insulting" posts even REMOTELY come close to this...

Quote (eboyd)
I think it had something to do with the preserved 2pac cock sitting in Alcatraz's basement that he likes to consistently take out of the preservative alcohol and suck on.

So if you are going to call someone out for being "disrespectful", don't forget to include yourself. You aren't excluded just because you represent "real" hip hop.

"I personally think OBCL2 is better than the original" - Lord Meth

Message edited by ALCATRAZ - Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 5:51 AM
eboyd Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 7:14 AM | Message # 145

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
let's let the history of this thread tell it's tale. as a described before (when i laid claim that eboyd shows the classic signs of a sociopath on the last page), eboyd has a very formulaic (and ingenious i might add) way of cheating his way into making himself look good and everyone else look bad in a debate. he starts by throwing little jabs to anger people, but not enough for people to actually remember his insults, and he makes sure that the thread is long enough before he tells people to look back to see who insulted who first to the point where no one cares to look back into it to see the truth of the matter. anyways, he starts with minor insults directed at anyone opposed to his viewpoint, then he turns gears and tries to make himself out to be the greatest everything in the history of the universe, then he turns himself into the victim and makes us all out to be perpetrators and continues to throw minor jabs, but a little bit less frequently. here's what i mean:

make notice that not a single one of these posts were prior to your first several insults in this thread.

LOL, and you haven't? Honestly, I don't want to go back and forth with posting little tid bits to see who disrespected who, but none of my "rude and insulting" posts even REMOTELY come close to this...

i absolutely have, but i'm man enough to admit to it. was i right to do it? absolutely not. but you've more than earned the disrespect you've received, including the comment that you quoted.

So if you are going to call someone out for being "disrespectful", don't forget to include yourself. You aren't excluded just because you represent "real" hip hop.

i have included myself in this. it's too bad you can't realize that we began disrespecting you due to your disrespect, not the other way around. truth is we all need to stop being children though.

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

battle record:


Adam Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 7:21 AM | Message # 146

Posts: 3793
Reputation: 5
Your not disrespectful??? Man you've quoted so many heads in an attempt to tease and make fun of them. Your just a damn troll. Idc about this argument or anyones opinion. Stop flame baiting.

ALCATRAZ Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 1:55 PM | Message # 147

Posts: 473
Reputation: 0
Quote (Adam)
Stop flame baiting.

OK I'm done posting in this thread. Regardless of what I say I'm gonna be accused of flame baiting so this thread can go on without me.

"I personally think OBCL2 is better than the original" - Lord Meth

Lord_Meth Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 6:31 PM | Message # 148

Posts: 6627
Reputation: 1
lol he's a SOCIOPATH troll

Sick With It
abanks47 Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 6:51 PM | Message # 149

Posts: 1466
Reputation: 0
i like how we also have a forum full of qualified doctors who can diagnose someone as a sociopath. i think your like the 4th or 5th person to call him that.


"I Have No Fear Whatsoever of Anybody or Anything" -Malcolm X

“those who consider themselves the most adamant adherents of “real” hip-hop can also be the least knowledgeable.” –Adilifu Nama; an excert from his perception of Nas’s “Genesis”

Lord_Meth Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 6:59 PM | Message # 150

Posts: 6627
Reputation: 1
Quote (abanks47)
i like how we also have a forum full of qualified doctors who can diagnose someone as a sociopath. i think your like the 4th or 5th person to call him that.

Diagnose? Naw we're not diagnosing him lol only qualified doctors can do that (and Dr. Dre)...just a select few (who actually kno wat a sociopath is) think he fits that profile...not saying its fact but we have our suspicion
People used to think Erik was a rapist (and some still do)

Sick With It